How to Make Realistic Photos with Artificial Intelligence?

In fact, photo production with artificial intelligence is quite simple. However, if you want to get a realistic image, there are points you should pay attention to when using applications.

We have delivered a lot of content to you so far using different artificial intelligence tools. Mostly photos with artificial intelligence In the content we produced, we also explained roughly how to use applications such as Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 2 and Midjourney. Now, how can we use artificial intelligence tools? a realistic image We tell you what you can get.

Although you can use the methods we will talk about in almost every artificial intelligence tool, we will basically use DALL-E 2, which is accessible to everyone and the most user-friendly. This APPLICATION Thanks to this, you can see the images that look as if they were taken with a camera. realistic images you will be able to get it.

How to create photos with artificial intelligence?

Step #1: Go to the DALL-E website and create your membership.

In this way, the service free of charge you will be able to use it.

Step #2: Define the image you want in the text box that appears.


Definition at this point English It is very important that you do. text, that is prompt box Right below, you can see the images created by others along with their prompts. Speaking of prompts, don’t be confused; The definition we give to artificial intelligence becomes our prompt. If you do not know enough English to describe what is in your mind, you can continue without any problems by getting help from Google Translate (Turkish-English). Currently, only Bing’s visual creation service offers the opportunity to use Turkish as an alternative.

At this point, a woman in a red dress and a dog waiting under the rain say, “Watching the Earth from the Moon.” an astronaut drinking soda” like prompts you can produce. In fact, let’s continue from the astronaut prompt. But we’re not done yet.

Step #3: Add a comma to the definition and add the necessary phrases at the end.


“It will ensure the realism of the visual.”realistic, detailed photography, cinematic lightingAdd phrases like ”. There is no rule that says you have to add these at the end. They may be at the top, but It is necessary to add. Because such prompts determine the style of the visual. Since our aim was to produce realistic photographs, we used them. If we wanted to produce it in oil painting style, “oil paintingWe would proceed through ”.

Step #4: Click the “Generate” button and wait for the results.

Astronaut DALL-E

The images will appear in front of you in a short time. Although the visuals may seem inconsistent from time to time due to artificial intelligence, thanks to the phrases we added to the promp realistic You can see they have graphics.

Step #5: Click the button on the top right to download the images


So you can save it directly to your device. The more you try, the more you try until you reach the image you want. recorded on the site Let’s remind you.

You can do more.

DALL-E image expanded with artificial intelligence in Photoshop

Thanks to the Outpainting in DALL-E and the productive expanding and filling features in Adobe Photoshop, you can create the image you get here. much more detailed You can make it into one.

Prompt writing tactics that will help you get more realistic output:

  • How much is your text? is long and detailed the better the output will be
  • With detailed prompt mixed prompt do not mix
  • the image you want be realistic Be sure to specify that you need
  • The image you like by diversifying look for better
  • Location and include details about the environment in your prompt.
  • In your prompt different lightingEnhance your image by adding photo angles and lens effects such as fisheye.

Different alternative applications where you can do this:

In our content, we mostly use stable diffusion And midjourney We use tools. These two vehicles have advantages and weaknesses relative to each other. However, as long as you follow the path we mentioned, it is possible to obtain realistic visuals in every artificial intelligence tool.

If you have any questions about other vehicles, you can share your questions in the comments section. We will be returning.


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