European Union Rejects Seeking Alternative Mining for Cryptocurrencies

Officials in the European Union rejected the Green Party’s proposal to seek new alternatives to the proof-of-work algorithm.

Green Party in the European Parliament, cryptocurrencies like bitcoin (BTC) to the proof-of-work algorithm it uses impose a restriction He made an attempt to do so, which was unsuccessful.

The greens then harming both the environment and the climate. He made a proposal to investigate new mining solutions that could be an alternative to the proof-of-work algorithm.

Within the scope of the proposed proposal, crypto currency mining environmental impacts research and more environmentally friendly alternatives A budget of 800 thousand euros was put on the agenda.

This proposal by the Greens was rejected by officials in the European Parliament led by Stéphanie Yon-Courtin. Ernest Urtasin, a member of the Green Party, said he was “disappointed” after the refusal.

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