Eligible Consumer Limit for 2022 Announced

The Energy Market Regulatory Authority has determined the eligible consumer limit for 2022. According to the Board Decision published in the Official Gazette, the eligible consumer limit for 2022 was 1100 kWh. So what benefits does this have for the consumer?

In today’s issue of the Official Gazette, a Board Decision, which concerns a large part of the citizens, took place. Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and became official by being published in the Official Gazette, January 1, 2022 will be valid as of

According to the decision of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA), electricity subscriptions eligible consumer limit, for the year 2022 1100 kWh was determined as. This rate was recorded as 1200 kWh for 2021. The decision taken is important because the energy consumption is above the determined range. all electricity subscriberswill be able to receive service from energy distribution companies with more favorable price tariffs.

What is the eligible consumer and eligible consumer limit?

The term “eligible consumer” means a person who has the freedom to choose the electricity supplier. all natural or legal persons A term used for Every electricity subscriber (real or legal person) who exceeds the energy consumption determined by the Energy Market Regulatory Authority becomes an eligible consumer. Eligible consumer limit is determined by EMRA. free consumerism for the limit set means. For example, every subscriber with an electricity consumption of 1200 kWh or more in 2021 was a free consumer. This amount was further reduced in 2022. So now, more electricity subscribers will become eligible consumers.


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What is the advantage of being a free consumer?

free consumers, they can choose their own electricity supplier. This is very important for subscribers. E.g; If the tariff prices of an electricity supplier are higher, the consumer can change this supplier. In this way, even though the energy consumption is the same, the bill decreases. With the latest decision taken by EMRA, more citizens or companies to take advantage of has provided.

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