New York-Dublin Portal Reopened

The New York-Dublin Portal, which was closed recently, has been reopened. Authorities announced that they took some security measures this time.

“Providing 24/7 live broadcast between New York and Dublin”portal“, has been re-launched. The portal recently became popular after an OnlyFans phenomenon exposed her breasts. was temporarily closed.

However, reopening some measures He also brought it with him. Dublin officials said the portal will now operate at certain times of the day. In addition, some efforts were made to prevent interference with the device.

However, similar events may occur

Even though studies on the issue have been carried out and the security of the portal has been ensured, similar incidents may occur. possible. It is currently unknown what precautions the authorities will take against possible incidents. Within the scope of the studies carried out so far, if a person tries to turn off the portal’s camera, the screen is dimmed will see.

What we can convey about the portal’s resumption of service that’s all for now. Let’s see how long the portal will work this time…

For detailed information about closing the portal:


The “Portal” Opened Between Dublin and New York Has Been Closed: Here’s Why

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