Why Do We Forget Everything During the Exam We Study for Days?

When the exam starts, the information we have been working on for days usually disappears suddenly. There is no trace of the things we memorized at home or in the library. So why do we forget what we know during the exam?

The topics have been studied, memorization has been done, all necessary preparations are complete. But sThere is something wrong when the exam paper is placed in front of us.. Where did all that information go?

Now BThe reasons for this situation that we cannot understand let’s see.

The fact that we forget what we know during the exam is related to the way our brain works.

in the exam 3 main brain regions responsible for forgetting has. The first of these regions is the hypothalamus. We can think of this region as a bridge between our emotions and physical perceptions.

Additionally, the hypothalamus has a strong connection with our endocrine system, which is responsible for the amount of hormones flowing throughout our entire body. The second region is the hippocampus. This region in learning and remembering experiences has an important role.

In fact, the hippocampus information must pass through to enter and exit the brain. We can think of it as a memory gate. The last area we need to focus on is the prefrontal cortex.

This part located behind our eyes, It is the rational and calm part of our brain. It is closely related to the ability to plan, organize and problem solve various tasks.

On the other hand, our brain sometimes perceives exams as a threat.

For example, while studying at home, the hypothalamus It slows down the release and production of stress hormones. On the other hand, the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus continue to work at full speed. But things change when we take an exam.

For example, ““If I get a low grade from this exam, what will I do in the make-up exam?” or “If I fail this exam, I will be disgraced.” When thoughts like these come to our mind, it is quite normal for our brain to perceive this situation as a threat.

Because there is a threat, the hypothalamus stimulates the production of certain hormones is available. As a result, a hormone called noradrenaline weakens neuronal flow, preventing effective communication.

This interruption also clears our working memory.

As a result What we are trying to remember is now gone from our minds. Cortisol, also secreted at high levels, enters the hippocampus and thus inhibits the ability to access old information.

In summary, what we call forgetting in the exam is, It is a result of our brain perceiving the exam as a threat.. To overcome this and cope with anxiety, breathing exercises, simple exercises to relax the muscles can be done and motivational sentences can be repeated.

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