Getir Allegedly Debts Tottenham Hotspur

A statement came from Getir regarding the claim that he owes millions of pounds to Tottenham Hotspur, with which he made a sponsorship agreement in 2021. The claim was rejected.

In a news we shared with you in the past hours, fast delivery company Bring We talked about a new claim that came to the agenda regarding. According to this claim, Getir will join Tottenham Hotspur, with whom he signed a sponsorship agreement in 2021. £5 million He had debts worth.

Now, there has been a new development on the subject. Bring, a related topic made a press statement. In this statement, it was claimed that the allegations in question did not reflect the truth. Getir, nothing to Tottenham Hotspur that he has no debt announced.

Getir’s statement to us:

In your news published today from Sky News, there are unfounded claims that our company owes money to the Premier League team Tottenham Hotspur, with which it made a sponsorship agreement in 2021. We would like to emphasize that these news do not reflect the truth in any way.

Our company has no debt to the club from the sponsorship agreement with Tottenham Hotspur.

In order to inform the public correctly, we kindly request your support to include our statement in your news.

What happened?

Getir and Tottenham Hotspur will sign a 3-year contract in 2021. sponsorship agreement He had signed it. Within the scope of this agreement, Tottenham Hotspur jerseys hosted Getir’s logo. Here are Getir’s legal obligations arising from this agreement: did not fulfill It was claimed.


According to the news by Mark Kleinman, Getir’s debt to Tottenham Hotspur is approximately £5 million. This money was equivalent to 204.5 million TL at today’s exchange rate.


Getir Allegedly Signed a Confidentiality Agreement for Partnership with the Wealth Fund

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