Why Do Transparent Phone Cases Turn Yellow Over Time?

Most of us use our smartphones with a case. Some people prefer a transparent case, but it starts to turn yellow after a point. So what is the underlying reason for this?

The transparent cover may turn yellow over time, as we will discuss the reasons shortly. inevitable It looks like.

Because this situation develops depending on both environmental factors and usage conditions and is caused by pollution rather than pollution. ‘chemical reaction’ It is explained with.

Sunlight is the enemy for transparent cases.

Transparent phone cases exposed to sunlight undergo chemical changes under the influence of UV rays. These changes are at the molecular level that cause yellowing in the material from which the sheath is made. creates distortions.

The material from which phone cases are made is also one of the reasons for yellowing.

yellowed phone case

The materials used in phone cases (usually plastics such as TPU or silicone) react with oxygen and other environmental factors and break down over time. to color change can drop by.

Environmental factors are not the only reason for these chemical reactions we mentioned.

yellowed phone case

transmitted from our hands oils or other dirt It also causes the cover material to yellow over time. These oils trigger chemical reactions and thus color change occurs.

Additionally, the heat generated by the phone or humidity in the air It can also damage the structure of the cover material and cause yellowing over time.

So is there any way to prevent this?

In fact, as we mentioned at the beginning, it is very difficult to prevent transparent cases from yellowing. Color change occurs because the yellowing is not contamination but a chemical reaction and it affects the material the cover is made of. it becomes permanent.

On the other hand, of course, by cleaning the case regularly and preventing it from getting direct sunlight. You can extend the yellowing time But I can almost hear you saying, “Who will deal with these?”

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