Divorce Duel in the Middle Ages – Webtekno

While marriage was commonplace in the Middle Ages, divorce was unfortunately not as common as it is accepted today. Spouses had to go through difficult ways to divorce each other. Moreover, it was impossible for them to do this without hurting each other!

Unfortunately, women did not have the right to divorce in these times, when the purpose of marriage was generally only for reproduction. With the consent of the church There was a different way of divorce in Germany at that time: the divorce duel.

Medieval Germany brought a new dimension to divorce. German fencer in 1467 Hans Talhofer He also described this type of divorce in the Fight Book, which is the war guide he wrote.

Divorce was actually seen as a last resort.

Aside from the surprise of such information being included in a book about fighting strategies, it seems quite normal for men and women to “fight” each other equally. Moreover, the resources It proves the prevalence of these duels in the Middle Ages.

These duels were actually a method used to end a divorce in disagreement. It is known that divorce is not considered appropriate unless there is a valid reason. Such a solution was developed when both parties did not admit their crimes. The side that wins the duel also wins the trial.

According to University of Oklahoma Associate Professor Kenneth L. Hodges, the matrimonial duel only began to fade as the Middle Ages drew to a close.

medieval divorce

This method, which was applied throughout the Middle Ages, preserved its existence until the end of the age. However, based on the information given, throughout the Renaissance continued to be a part of legal theories. You may be wondering why an established legal system allows such a struggle. Let’s explain now.

The reason of this, The fact is that the judges actually serve as extensions of the king. Therefore, the defendants were confronted with the ruler himself. Therefore, in this system, which does not seem very fair, it was deemed necessary to be tried by combat so that things would run ‘fairly’. The survivor in this battle, which ended in death, was the innocent person according to the king.

The weather is pleasant for kings and men, so why would women agree to such a duel?


approved by the state marital strugglePhysically, it seems like a disadvantage for women. In addition, women were subjected to enough religious and political discrimination in this period, so as you can guess, women are not asked for their opinion.

However book by Talhoffer and research on the subject has provided understandable reasons why a woman may want or be compelled to take risks.

Due to the physical characteristics of men, some privileges are also given to women.

medieval divorce duel

As can be seen from the images The man is placed in the pit with one hand tied and a stick in the other. While the man can fight in this pit, the woman has the right to wander around the pit as she wishes. The support of the man’s arm or the attempt to get out was concluded with his surrender.

After the duel decision, the judges gave the men and women 1 month to prepare for the fight. This time may seem like preparation. However, more spouses It was a given period for them to resolve their disagreements within 1 month.

This seems too fair. divorce duel resulted in death if not intervened. The fact that this strategic duel takes place between husband and wife, based on the visuals mentioned and painted by war expert Talhoffer, makes the situation even more interesting. This practice, which was thought to be a fair separation in the Middle Ages, is sadly not even necessary for divorce today.


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