Coinbase CEO: European Legislation Is More Important Than You Think

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong positively appreciated and appreciated MiCa, which was approved by the European parliament on June 30.

CEO Armstrong discussed the MiCA legislation in his posts on June 3. It will establish a legal framework regarding crypto regulations Appreciating and appreciating the MiCA legislation Armstrong;

Unnoticed but largely positive developments in the name of crypto money policies in the European Union.

described as.

The famous CEO also represents the European parliament and the United Kingdom in this they led the legalization processfor i:

Thank you to the EU and the UK for leading this process. Other countries will likely follow these steps. Clearer crypto regulations will help us unlock the next phase.

he thanked.

Reactions from opposing groups to MiCa supporters who joined Armstrong in the crypto community were quick to fail. Famous skeptic Amy Castor comments on Armstrong’s comments, “Brian is performing his usual ‘good news’ routine.” saying Reacted. Castor tweeted on 3 July:

Regulators reigning over crypto is negative for the market. Brian is just trying to bring a ‘positive’ wind to the market during these difficult times.


Experts agree that EU regulation fraud and market manipulation as it will reduce hopeful but they are concerned that this new ecosystem will be overwhelmed by complex tax regulations and decentralization.

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