Bus and Flight Ticket Prices Are Increasing

It seems that rising costs will return as a hike in bus and flight ticket prices. Because, according to the statements of industry sources, there will be a 20 percent increase in bus ticket prices. An increase of 100 TL is requested for the ceiling price applied in flight tickets.

President of the All Bus Drivers Federation (TOF) Mustafa Lightningmade an important statement concerning citizens who are currently planning to travel by bus. In the statements made by Yıldırım, it was stated that there would be a 20 percent increase in bus ticket prices. Mustafa Yıldırım, as the reason for the increase increased costs showed. In particular, fuel prices and road and bridge fees seem to have put the bus transport sector in trouble.

Travels are 50 percent lower than last year, citizens have become unable to travel. That’s why we ask for some support from the public. First of all, the tickets VAT should be reduced to 1%and then a reduction in road and bridge tolls should be made. This is the first time I see such a raise in my professional life.. Everything you can think of has come at a great price.Mustafa Yildirim, who used the expressions “Afterwards, we will follow the markets, but it seems that there is no improvement in a short time…” with statements that nothing can be achieved, at least in the short term. don’t expect it to get better told.

The situation is no different in flight prices.

Increasing costs have directly affected not only land transportation, but also air transportation. In fact, domestic airline ceiling ticket prices rose from 499 TL to 699 TL in a few months. However, the hikes will not be limited to this. For Pegasus Airlines CEO and President of Turkish Private Sector Aviation Enterprises Association (TÖSHID) Mehmet Mint According to the statements made by the company, it was stated that there are 899 TL demands for ceiling ticket prices. This hike has not been finalized yet.


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The worst part is that both sector representatives are for the future. they don’t paint a positive picture. In this context, both bus transport sector officials and aircraft transport sector officials said that the hikes will continue for a while. continue will they express. If the situation continues in this way, it seems that the transportation sector will be seriously injured. Let’s wait and see what happens…

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