Bitcoin and Dogecoin Detail in Tesla Codes on the Agenda: Are the Rumors True?

The phrases Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) in the source code on the payment page of electronic tool giant Tesla excited the crypto money community.

Cryptocurrency community Tesla’s payment page in the source code bitcoin And dogecoin waved with. In the claim made by the community, based on the source code, Tesla again will start receiving payments with cryptocurrencies was put forward.

As a result of a retrospective verification, Bitcoin and Dogecoin January of 2023 It has been revealed that Tesla has been in the source codes since. The source codes in question are Tesla’s again. bitcoin with vehicle to the sale It made me think of starting over.

But it soon became clear that the situation was not as predicted. Verifiers noted that Tesla probably deactivated the payment methods and then quoted Bitcoin in the source code. did not delete expressed. The electronic vehicle giant buys and sells the vehicles it produces with Bitcoin. for a short time in 2021 had accepted.

Tesla year 2023 in the second quarter report announced that it does not buy or sell any Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

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