A ‘clever’ solution to harassment from Twitter!

With the widespread use of the Internet, it has become more and more social media platformsis one of the indispensable tools for people in different parts of the world to communicate with each other.

However, there is an important problem in social media that has not been fully resolved: whether you know it or not, people who access your profile in the virtual world can try to interact with you via text / call even if you don’t want to, and this turns into harassment after a while. Twitter has made an important move to prevent this problem.

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Twitter will prevent harassment with third-party apps

Twitter came to the rescue of those who found features such as blocking and muting insufficient. From now on, the company will offer users third-party apps that allow them to more rigidly block an account of their choice.


For example, when you connect the Block Party app to your account, with posts described as spam or harassing You will be able to automatically block the people most likely to annoy you. The best part of this application is that the user can adjust the filtering level as they wish.

Standing out with the slogan “Smart moderation” bodyguard application made in English, Italian, French, Spanish and Portuguese insults, racism, threats, harassment, misogyny etc. It moderates and analyzes the content comments in real time and automatically deletes them when you make the relevant adjustments.


Developed to prevent digital harassment moderate application allows you to control your home page on Twitter using artificial intelligence tools. With these tools, you can sort the content you specify, block the ones you don’t like, mute them, and find out whether the accounts that message you are bots or not.

Twitter is currently recommending these three apps to users as an alternative solution when they experience harassment. New applications with different features will be coming soon. How do you evaluate this decision of Twitter? You can share your views in the comments or on the SDN Forum.

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