Youtube Will Block Videos Describing Eating Disorders

After Tiktok, Youtube took a step towards eating disorder and decided to block videos that deal with this issue.

The perception of beauty, which has been increasing in recent years, has brought some psychological disordersbrings me too. Especially with the increasing use of social media, many women agree that being thinner is better. Many social media platforms are also working on refusing to mold their perceptions of beauty, which can vary for everyone.

In a statement the company made today; of YouTube “imitable behavior” including content that shows or discusses “with eating disorders” announced that it will remove additional related videos.

Existing policy on eating disorders will expand

Videos promoting or glorifying eating disorders have already been banned on YouTube. However, this policy update is intended to cover all content that illustrates or describes eating disorder behaviors that viewers may imitate. expanded.

According to the statement made; “weight-based bullying in the context of eating disorders” All videos that show or describe it will be banned under the new policy.

In this context, not only those who describe an eating disorder, but also those who have experienced this disorder before and who have recovered afterwards “healing journeys” will be blocked. In this situation, the company “A video about a creator’s eating disorder recovery journey can help start an important conversation that makes them feel less alone for some, but for others it can be a trigger.” explains it in sentences.

The platform said in a statement. “Together with experts such as the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) and the Asociación de Lucha contra la Bulimia y la Anorexia (ALUBA) to develop a comprehensive framework that includes expanding the scope of our Community Guidelines, age-restricting certain videos, and placing crisis resource panels below videos discussing eating disorders. We worked.” used the phrases.

Videos will be age restricted.

Youtube will block some videos and leave a note for a few to seek help from experts. In addition, some of the videos containing eating disorders will be subject to age restrictions.


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In this case, some videos; Viewers under the age of 18 will not be able to view if the account is logged out and the video is embedded on another website.

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