Why we are publishing so many articles on AI this week


This week is all about AI.

If you go to our website or the app, read our newsletter and listen to our podcasts, you will notice: Our “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) theme week started this Monday.

Technology is what drives us – and I’m sure you feel the same way. Things that are possible today were hardly imaginable just a few months ago. With the help of AI programs such as ChatGPT, you can answer e-mails automatically, write computer code and create presentations. It starts with that, but it doesn’t end there.

Why is AI so important?

Artificial intelligence will change how we live, work and make money. 70 percent of the Dax companies expect that AI will change their business model in the next few years. The Handelsblatt editors Thomas Jahn and Michael Scheppe found this out in a survey of the largest companies listed on the German stock exchange. And frankly, the question then arises as to whether the rest are not making a bad mistake.

Many board members are now considering how best to use AI. Employees are concerned about what this means for their job. Our aim is for you to be able to make good decisions.

Because one thing is clear: Even if the rapid development can cause a slight feeling of dizziness – it offers great opportunities. Some even surprised us during our research.

>> All texts on artificial intelligence, which appear gradually this week can be found continuously on our overview page.

The big Handelsblatt special on artificial intelligence

(Photo: Getty Images [M])

What else can you expect this week?

We have taken on these topics in addition to numerous others:

Of course, our podcasts this week are also all about AI. You can find out every day from 5.30 p.m. on Handelsblatt Today how AI is moving the financial market. And as a subscriber, you can follow exciting discussions with experts every day at noon on Handelsblatt Live Plus and ask your own questions. On Tuesday from 12 p.m. live department head Kevin Knitterscheidt will discuss, for example, “Dr. GPT” and the doctor’s visit of the future.

Finally, on Friday our newspaper will also look different than usual: Both the print and the e-paper edition are mono-thematically related to AI. We’re very curious to see how you like it.

More: All texts of this theme week can be found here

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