Why Don’t We Call “Sunflower” Facing The Sun “Sunflower”?

The flowers of sunflowers follow the Sun during the day and rotate from west to east. At night, they turn into the opposite and return to their original state in the morning.

In connection with this feature, its name in other languages ​​is “SunAssociated with “.

In Turkey Turkish, the name of this flower is not “Sun”, but “Moonassociated with “. So, why is the sunflower associated with the Moon instead of the Sun?

When we look at the meaning of the word sunflower in the Turkish dictionary, we encounter two meanings:

  1. Sunflower sunflower, solstice, sunlit (Helianthus annuus).
  2. The oil of this plant is extracted and cookie edible seed as well.

Sunflower is called “sun flower” in all languages ​​except Turkish.

If we need to give examples from other languages; in Greek helianthus (sunflower), in English sunflower (sunflower), in French tournesole (turning to the sun, facing the sun), also meaning sun flower in German sonnenblume nomenclature appears.

Unlike other languages, only in Armenian “sunflower” is used. This situation, which appears in Günay Karaağaç’s Verintiler Dictionary, tells us that this word Indicates the transition from Turkish to Armenian. In this case, the arrows return to Turkish again.

The word sunflower first appears in the early 19th century.


Assist. Assoc. Dr. As Yusuf Özçoban told us in his research, the word sunflower is used in historical Turkish dialects such as Köktürk, Uygur, Karahan, Khwarezm, Kipchak and Çağatay. not detected.

This word, which first appeared in the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives in 1888, is generally related to sunflower oil and seeds. for business has been recorded.

Although the name Sunflower appeared after this period, “Sunflower, Solstice, SunshineIt should be underlined that the names ” are used more than the name of sunflower.

Although it is not certain why it is met with “Moon” instead of “Sun” in Turkish, there are some theories.

The first two of them are related to the image of the flower. Sunflower has a large and round shape.

In response to this round shape “to the moonIt is thought to come from the word “. As the word “Aya” is mentioned in the Scan dictionary, “Aya”palm and scale cage” means. Libra cage is round in shape just like sunflower. So the word sunflower “moon+blossom‘ may have emerged.

The second theory is that they emerged from the similarity of the month and the day in terms of their roundness.

The Sun and the Moon are both sources of light. Because of these similar features, the words month and day indiscriminately may have been used.

The third theory is that it arose as a result of reduction.


It is one of the usages such as “Aydın, Aydın Çiçē, Aydın Flower, Aydın Rose, Moonflower, Moonday Lover, Moonday Flower”. decrease that it may have resulted.

As a result, unlike other languages, only the written language of Turkey Turkish sunflower the presence of the word and more sunflower It should not be forgotten that the word


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