If you have had the chance to visit Berlin, the capital of Germany, or have seen it anywhere, you must have wondered about the pink pipes standing in the middle of the street. This view, which makes the city feel like it is inside a huge painting, actually has a simple story!
Pink pipes, which stand out directly when looked at, are the ones that took us by storm this year. It feels like a scene from a Barbie movie. However, this is actually only a matter of Berlin’s infrastructure system.
It is very difficult to find an example in our country, to the streets of Berlin While these pink pipes that add color are very fun for some, they also create a bad look for others. Let’s see how you can find it once you know the reason.
Even though they look complicated, we have to admit that they look like a work of art.
If gray, white or boring colors were preferred instead of pink, ‘artwork’ It was impossible to feel like that. That’s why we have to admit that pink adds a fun and dynamic atmosphere.
of Berlin built on swamp If we think that it is a city where there is a city, the story of the pipes may come to mind. In fact, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this city is floating on a swamp.
In the city, large amounts of groundwater must be extracted for every construction project. The water is only a few meters below ground. Pipes to provide drainage after the collapse of the famous wall, no chaos in the streets and was placed to keep the water level under control.
Although predominantly pink is used blue and purple Colors are also preferred. So why these colors?
When a company called Pollems was commissioned to build Berlin’s underground water pipes among the kids in the city He researched what his favorite color was. The result, as you might expect, is pink. That’s why today we see pink pipes on every street in Berlin.
in urban landscape It is said that this color was chosen to minimize the unattractiveness of the city.
This much-loved idea has become a symbol of the city over time, rather than a necessity. Currently, other European cities such as Warsaw have adapted this design to themselves. Berlin’s pink pipes, Thus, we have solved the mystery of his short story, while remaining specific to Germany.
Our other content about Germany:
The Very Strange Reason Why Milka Isn’t Allowed to Produce “Square” Chocolate in Germany
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Why is ‘Google Street View’ available in all of Europe but not in Germany?
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