Why are passenger planes not equipped with parachutes?

As some of us know and some of us do not know at all, passenger planes do not have parachutes. Let’s examine the reasons for this situation, which seems to be an illogical decision at first glance.

One of the first thoughts that comes to mind of anyone who learns that there are no parachutes on airplanes “He could have saved a lot of people’s lives at the time of the accident, why not?” will be.

As a matter of fact, in the first place, it makes more sense for everyone to try their luck with a parachute, rather than just waiting for the inevitable end on a crashing plane. situations alone, not at all as expected.

First of all, it should be noted that skydiving is a really difficult activity, even under favorable conditions.

This is a situation where even the most professional paratroopers can fail, especially if the conditions are not suitable. So what are these favorable conditions? Let’s say right now; a constant altitude, a low speed, an altitude not exceeding 3500 meters.

So we get to the first reason: Planes fly too high to parachute.


“How about jumping when you lose altitude and go below 3500 meters?” If you think, this time the plane having high speed it’s causing trouble. In every scenario, there is no advantage to using a parachute.

The second reason is that accidents happen very quickly.

Plane crashes

Crashing of some planes from 10 thousand meters to the ground It only takes 3-4 minutes. Even if alarm is raised in the first second of the accident, it is not possible for everyone to get their parachutes on and ready to jump in such a short time.

Even if everyone is ready with their parachute on their back, people he would not have been able to organize in a panic. Moreover, even if you succeeded in this impossible task, again all this effort is meaningless for the first reason.

The third reason is that it is extremely dangerous to open the doors of the plane to jump with a parachute.

airplane door

‘Cause he’s high with the effect of pressure difference Aside from the fact that you will not even be able to stand up and you will be thrown into the void, you can be dragged towards the wings and engines of the plane in seconds, as a worse scenario than being thrown into the void.

Let’s go through them all; probably due to the high pressure difference anyway Within seconds you will be unconscious.

The fourth reason is that even if you somehow make all people jump safely with a parachute, almost everyone will lose consciousness at that time due to oxygen deficiency and high pressure difference during the fall.

In order to prevent this, everyone extra It is necessary to give equipment such as oxygen cylinders, helmets, special flight suits.

Let’s come to the fifth reason. Skydiving is an event that requires skill and experience.


Even if a first-time parachute user listens to all instructions, he is in a state of panic. It’s unlikely that it will do the job properly.

It’s not over, there’s more. The sixth and final reason parachutes are very heavy and costly things. If you load the parachute on the plane as much as the number of passengers; this will be enough to slow down the aircraft.

Therefore, companies reducing the number of passengers They need to reduce their profit per flight, which is not a desirable situation for them.


What are your chances of surviving if you crash from an airplane above the clouds?

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