How Do Hormones Affect Our Purchasing Behaviors?

Have you ever thought about what kind of scientific processes might be behind every time you enter a store or add something to your cart while shopping online? Although shopping may seem like just a matter of need or pleasure for most of us, our hormones actually play a serious role behind these decisions.

When you think about why women are more prone to money pathologies than men, you might think: ovarian hormones You should also add that . For men, the highlight is of course testosterone is happening.

Like a detective, our hormones our purchasing behavior After seeing how it shapes you, you will look at your menstrual cycles or testosterone levels again when you go shopping.

Hormones are chemical messengers that manage various functions in our body.

These chemicals enable communication between the cells in our brain and body. Especially dopamine and serotonin While hormones such as control our feelings of happiness and satisfaction, they also play an important role in the shopping process.

Linked to feelings of reward and pleasure dopaminerises when we buy something new and gives us a temporary feeling of happiness gives. This explains the addictive aspect of shopping. Research also shows that our dopamine levels increase, especially during discounts and unexpected deals.

Regulating our emotional state serotonin It is also closely related to our self-confidence. People with high serotonin levels feeling more positive and can be more decisive when shopping. People with low serotonin levels generally tend to buy things that will make them feel better.

Women’s shopping styles vary depending on their menstrual period.

Between days 1 and 7, when menstruation begins, hormone levels are low, which stagnation in shopping means. In other words, it indicates a more practical shopping period when the likelihood of impulsive shopping is low. Such as cleaning supplies, pads, basic needs.

estrogen levels, during ovulation period is peaking. Products that will provide a relative advantage over other women are preferred. Clothes, makeup and accessories like. Many women do not realize that they are paying more attention to men because they are not aware that they are in this period. In fact, this is due to being in the mating period.

Between the 15th and 20th days, progesterone levels increase due to pregnancy expectation and even if you are not actually pregnant. home stuff The desire to buy nest-related products such as is increasing.

What happens during premenstrual tension (PMS) period?

days 21 to 28 i.e. PMS (premenstrual tension) If you are not pregnant during pregnancy, estrogen drops to its starting level. How PMS affects shopping and other things varies from person to person, but generally when women go shopping, what other women wear and thinks about how they will look with them.

In addition, as you know, women’s emotional states are affected during the PMS period. Women who feel emotional and sensitive due to hormonal changes also “emotional shopping” doing. In other words, they prefer products that will make them feel better. Comfortable clothes and snacks can be given as examples. Aim, instant relief quest.


For those who experience menstrual pain due to premenstrual tension: We asked an expert how you can manage this process psychologically!

Let’s talk about men’s purchasing behavior.

Throughout history, the ability to protect or provide has been men’s way of attracting mates, but today the evidence for this is a little more spectacular. Think of cars, luxury goods or property. Testosterone also affects men The hormone that pushes expensive things.

Men usually Testosterone levels peak in the morning It does, but it starts to decrease after 10.00. Peak times are when men tend to shop.

You can also compare the effect of high testosterone to older men. Testosterone levels decrease as we age and they literally turn into men who are reluctant to spend and have a scorpion in their pocket.

Testosterone increases also have an impact on financial risk taking.

In a study, men with high testosterone to risky stocks It was observed that it invested larger amounts than placebo. This effect was partly driven by changes in price expectations. In fact, testosterone has a significant impact on future price increases. to more optimistic expectations It leads.

Now reconsider your shopping and what you bought and see if you really need it or not. Are your hormones guiding you? Make up your mind about it.

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