The Story of Lütfü Doruk, the Unknown Partner of Koç Holding

We always hear the name Vehbi Koç as the founder of Arçelik, one of the most successful brands in our country. What if we say there is another very important person whose name is not mentioned? In this content, we will talk about Lütfü Doruk, who is known as the father of Arçelik.

Arçelik, operating within Koç Holding, one of our holdings of which we are proud of its success, is undoubtedly One of our most valuable brands. In fact, it has managed to achieve success with its innovative and visionary approaches since its early years.

Arçelik, which has been known by the name Vehbi Koç since the first years of its commercial activities, actually has another name in its story. Lütfü Doruk, Even though his name is never mentioned, he is one of the most important names behind Arçelik’s success.

Doruk’s acquaintance with Koç and Vehbi Koç dates back to 1929, when he was dealing with steel production.

Doruk, the partner of the Erel company that produces steel products, had a falling out with his partner and things got very bad. to get worse It had started.

After falling out with his partner, he spent a short time in Muğla. to fish business Lütfü Doruk, who entered, later returned to Istanbul.

However, he will still be determined not to withdraw from the steel goods industry. He made an offer to Vehbi Koç in 1953.

In this way, the journey in which Lütfü Doruk will be remembered as both the father and founder of Arçelik began!

Koç Holding’s entry into the white goods industry was entirely due to Lütfü Doruk’s suggestion. in 1953 It starts with his presentation to Vehbi Koç.

Of course, Vehbi Koç has a huge role in Arçelik. However, Lütfü Doruk realized the opportunities that would be created by producing in the steel goods industry in the years when Turkey was not yet very developed in terms of production. visionary predicts

Lütfü Doruk conveyed this idea to Vehbi Koç and offered him a partnership, and upon Koç’s acceptance of this offer, an agreement was reached and Arçelik’s story begins.

The first company they founded was called Erel.

Arcelik factory

After Koç and Doruk signed in 1953, in 1954, one of the biggest names of that period, Burla Group They took it with them.

Burla Group, known as Burla Brothers, was one of the well-known companies of the period that imported metal office furniture and machines. Signatures were signed with them in 1954 and In 1955 under the name Erel The company was founded.

With the successful collaborations made in the first two years and the factory established, the company it grew bigger and bigger.

In 1957, the name of the company was changed to the name that is still used today. “Arçelik” was changed to .

In other words, Arçelik, which will be one of the first global companies to emerge from Turkey, was born with Doruk’s visionary approach.


In addition to being the brainchild and founder of Lütfü Doruk, he is also the founder of the brand. in operational processes His role was huge.

Doruk was determined to make the brand’s name known in this sector and Arçelik respectively In 1959, 1960 and 1990 He produced the first washing machine, refrigerator and dishwasher.

By showing the importance it attaches to production processes during the factoryization process, 30 thousand square meters Doruk, who suggested building a factory in an area, stands out as one of the key names behind the success of the Arçelik brand.

In fact, in the sources Vehbi Koç’s When I heard the size of the factory “Are you going to play football in it?” It is stated that he said.

In 1970, Lütfü Doruk decided to leave the company.

In an interview given by Vehbi Koç, it was stated that Lütfü Doruk has been he is very tired And it is said that he wants to leave for this reason.

He offered Lütfu Doruk to remain on the board of directors even though he did not have an active role in the company, but Doruk rejected this offer. by selling its shares It is stated that he decided to leave.

Later, with this decision, Doruk’s name was taken away from the industry. doesn’t get the value it deserves and fades from memory over time.

As you can see, Arçelik, a brand we are proud of today, is a name lost among dusty pages. He was born with determination and determination…

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