What You Eat Before Pregnancy Determines the Gender of the Baby!

Almost every parent has their heart set on the gender of their unborn child. While some want a son due to cultural imposition, some wish to end their longing for a daughter. Although applications such as the Chinese calendar were tried for this, many well-known “gender determination” methods did not have high accuracy rates. However, the pre-pregnancy nutrition program seems to disrupt this.

“Eat the sour and take out Ayşe, eat the sweet and take out Hakkı.” I think our elders who said this knew something and were saying it. Science must have paid attention to this, and as a result of some studies, the mother’s nutrition before pregnancy mineral content It turned out to be effective in determining gender.

Moms and dads, if you have pen and paper ready, diet program We explain it with scientific data.

Gender determination research actually began with a marine worm in 1935.

Gender determination research actually began with a marine worm in 1935. Early on, Herbst discovered that the marine worm Bonelli Viridis potassium in seawater He discovered that it is affected by changing its concentration.

In some studies conducted in the following years, the diet of the mother was examined in couples with three or more daughters and no sons. Calcium and magnesium predominate It was determined that . Women, most of whom had sons, had higher sodium intake than average.

Scientists continued to conduct research on the subject and found this in gender determination. to minerals They started to focus on it.

What should be in the nutrition program of those who want a daughter?

172 women from the Netherlands who wanted a daughter participated in a study to confirm the possibility of having a girl. All of the women were healthy, between 23 and 42 years old, and all had given birth to at least 1 child before. Additionally, there are specific amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium. before pregnancy women who adhered to the diet were selected.

In the diet list prepared in accordance with the guidelines of the Dutch National Nutrition Bureau, all The food was unsalted and had lots of dairy products. consumption (at least 500 g per day). A normal diet was followed, consisting of bread, fruit, vegetables, meat, rice and pasta. However, due to its high potassium content limit on potatoes was brought. Nutritional supplements were also added to this diet. 400-600 mg magnesium, 500-700 mg calcium, 5-7.5 mg vitamin D were given daily.

This diet program is planned at least 9 weeks before pregnancy started and continued until the pregnancy was proven in the first home pregnancy test.

Of course, there were also women who left the diet program during the 5-year study. However, at the conclusion of the study, 21 women met the prediction rule criteria and 16 gave birth to girls. In addition to nutrition timing of sexual intercourse The result that the combination increases the likelihood of having a daughter was also added to the study. Of course, the time of sexual intercourse required to get pregnant is also the subject of a different content.

A more comprehensive study was conducted on the possibility of giving birth to a boy.

calorie intake during pregnancy

740 British women participated in a study conducted by experts at the University of Oxford and the University of Exeter. In this program, nutritional data were collected for three time periods. The first of these is before pregnancy, the second is early pregnancy So it was about week 16. The third data is late pregnancy That is, it covered the 16th to 28th weeks of pregnancy.

Experts who conducted the research women who consume too many calories They said she was more likely to give birth to a boy. per day average 2 thousand 200 calories A woman who consumed less than 1,850 calories a day was 1.5 times more likely to have a son than women who consumed less than 1,850 calories a day.

banana during pregnancy

Diets rich in calcium, potassium, vitamin B12, C and E were linked to male births. Women with boys also had a daily potassium intake of more than 300 mg. Therefore, researchers foods like bananas He stated that he was fine.

Another point underlined was the amount of calories consumed daily. Among the experts is Dr. Mathews says it doesn’t matter whether the mother gets her energy from carbohydrates or fat, what matters is total amount of calories consumed He emphasized that it was.

Women who want a boy can start shopping for breakfast cereal.

“Did you shake it up a bit?” If you say, this issue has nothing to do with us. Research before pregnancy cereals eating is strongly linked to having sons, he says. It was found that women who ate breakfast cereal were 1.89 times more likely to give birth to a boy than those who did not consume cereal.

Their explanation for the relationship between boys and breakfast cereal was as follows: In vitro (laboratory environment), glucose increases the growth and development of male pregnancies while inhibiting those of females. Skipping breakfast prolongs the normal duration of overnight fasting, decreasing circulation lowers glucose levels and can be interpreted by the body as an indicator of poor environmental conditions.


The Likelihood of Having a Son May Be Linked to the Number of Brothers

Geography is your destiny.

Researchers noticed something else about having boys. And in the last 40 years in industrialized countries was the birth rate of boys. The fact that this rate was consistent, even though it was small, explained the low-calorie diet of young women.

In addition to paying attention to the mother’s nutrition and investing in food to have a son, she also suffers from economic difficulties and not being able to access sufficient resources. It is more certain to have a daughter It looks like a bet.

It is necessary to be careful in the diet to be applied.

baby gender

“Who cares.”

The experts who conducted the research, of course, state in large print that one should be careful about dieting. After all, research takes place within the framework of a certain participation. Nutrition may also have other effects on both mother and baby. That’s why parents who want to determine gender First of all, expert opinion should take.

While all this research is done on prediction rules, there is not yet enough information about why gender changes. We think that with the increase in nutrition and pregnancy research, they will explain this issue in the near future.

Finally, let’s not forget that the important thing is not the gender of the baby, health of mother and child with security.

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