What would happen if a Turkish Delight hit the Earth “at the speed of light”?

If we have fastened our belts, let’s start pushing the limits of our imagination and imagine that the Turkish delight we know hits the Earth at the speed of light. Yes yes, Turkish delight as we know it. What would happen if something like this happened?

Right now, “Come on, what will happen?” If you are one of those who say this, think again. Doesn’t that kind of speed sound pretty dangerous? What will happen when this object enters the atmosphere? Or could it actually harm the Earth?

A Turkish delight moving at the speed of light, What kind of socks can you knit for us? Let’s take a closer look.

The speed of light in space is approximately 300,000 km per second.

An object moving at such a high speed It can circle the Earth 7.5 times in approximately 1 second. As we all know, no matter or object can travel faster than light. Because the more an object moves, the more its mass increases.

What if we wanted to move this object at the speed of light? At this speed, the mass of that object becomes infinite. Of course, being able to move an object of infinite mass is also possible. It means that endless energy is needed.

That being the case, this scenario would be impossible (I mean, no one has been able to achieve it so far). But this does not hinder our imagination!

Let’s say Alper Gezeravcı took a Turkish delight with him to the International Space Station; If this Turkish delight manages to escape from that pressurized environment begins to expand in volume. The reason for this is that the small air bubbles inside the Turkish delight get stuck.

The air bubbles inside the Turkish delight expand and begin to swell, It comes from getting rid of the air pressure in the vacuum of space. Now it’s time to throw this delight to the Earth.

The moment this delight enters the Earth’s atmosphere, begins to hit atmospheric particles and therefore gradually disintegrates. In fact, the fact that the Turkish delight is in tiny pieces would be a blessing because if this object remained as a whole, it would cause strong collisions due to its speed of light.

To make this scenario a little more realistic, it is useful to remember the Chelyabinsk meteorite.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

This meteorite passed over Russia about 11 years ago. An explosion with an altitude of 19 to 24 km had caused it. Approximately 1,000 people were injured in this explosion, which had a mass of 11,000 tons.

Now let’s think again about what kind of power this Turkish delight, which moves at the speed of light, has and what it can do. This delight is from the force that occurred during the Chelyabinsk incident It would hit Earth with nearly four times the force.

In addition, a NASA simulation in 2019 predicted that if such a disaster scenario was faced, It could result in the death of more than 1.3 million people. predicted.

In summary, an object, regardless of whether it is a meteorite or a Turkish delight, If it has the speed of light, hitting the Earth will bring disaster.

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