What is Zinc Deficiency, What Causes It, What Are Its Symptoms?

We examine from A to Z what is zinc deficiency, what causes it and what are its symptoms, which is the subject of today’s content. Zinc deficiency is basically a condition that occurs as a result of the body’s inability to meet its zinc needs sufficiently. However, its consequences range from delayed healing of wounds to weakening of our immune system. Let’s talk about it in all its details.

In this content, we cover the diseases that can cause many symptoms in the human body. zinc deficiency We sought answers to questions such as what it is, what causes it and what its symptoms are. It is seen in bones, teeth, hair, skin, liver, muscles and white blood cells in our body. zincincluding those involved in the formation of RNA and DNA more than 100 It is a component of the enzyme. While it has such an important place, its deficiency can also lead to some negativities.

An important mineral found naturally in many foods. zincIt can occur in adults or children who have certain health problems or have irregular nutrition. In this article Symptoms and causes of zinc deficiency We discussed it in detail.

What is zinc, which can cause white spots on nails, and what does it do?

Zinc It is naturally found in the cells in our body. Zinc, which helps cells grow and divide, is also extremely necessary and important for the activities of proteins and genes. In other words, it generally plays a role in growth and development, the immune system, cellular metabolism, wound healing, reproduction and many other functions.

For the reasons mentioned above, zinc has an extremely important place for our body. Therefore, adequate intake and zinc deficiency It is extremely important that you take care not to experience it.

What is zinc deficiency, what exactly does it mean?

Zinc, an important mineral found naturally in many foods, is stored in various tissues of the body. It also plays a role as a component of more than 100 enzymes. zinc amount completely to the foods consumed It depends. Generally, factors such as unbalanced diet, malabsorption, foods low in zinc or chronic diseases can cause zinc deficiency.

zinc deficiency If this occurs, supplements or foods rich in zinc are recommended. However, uncontrolled use of zinc supplements can also cause various health problems. Therefore, we recommend that you take such supplements under the supervision of a healthcare physician.

So, what are the symptoms of zinc deficiency and how can it be detected? It affects everything from weakening of the immune system to loss of appetite:

  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Delayed healing of wounds
  • Various skin problems
  • Decreased sense of taste and texture, loss of appetite
  • reproductive problems
  • hormone imbalances
  • Higher risk of infection
  • Nails with white spots

After the information we provide zinc deficiency You may be wondering what it causes. zinc deficiency It can cause a variety of symptoms, but this may not be immediately noticeable. Symptoms of zinc deficiency are usually zinc level It doesn’t start until it reaches a very low point. We have mentioned above some of the symptoms of zinc deficiency that you may encounter in different parts of your body. In addition to nutrition, experiencing malabsorption (absorption) disorders or various liver disorders can cause zinc deficiency. Some chronic conditions, such as sickle cell anemia, can also increase the likelihood of experiencing zinc deficiency.

Daily for adults 19 and over recommended amount of zinc While it is 11 mg for men, it is 8 mg for women. It is recommended to consume 11-12 mg during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to correct zinc deficiency in the most correct way?

  • Balanced diet
  • zinc supplements
  • Food supplements containing zinc

Repairing zinc deficiency It is extremely important to consume foods rich in zinc. Various foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, pumpkin seeds and dairy products are rich in zinc values. Consuming foods with high protein content, along with an adequate and balanced diet, can also increase zinc absorption.

Zinc absorption Avoiding substances such as phytoates that can reduce zinc absorption or choosing foods that contain factors that support zinc absorption, zinc deficiency It may be useful in eliminating If needed, zinc supplements can also be used under the advice and supervision of a healthcare professional. However, it is extremely important to determine the dosage of these supplements carefully, because excessive zinc intake toxic consequences why could it be.

So what to eat to supplement zinc? Here are the foods containing zinc:

  • Red meat
  • sea ​​products
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Milk and milk products
  • legumes
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Nuts and seeds
  • whole grains
  • Vegetables

If zinc supplement If you want to consume food for your health, red meat may be your first choice. Red meats such as veal, beef and lamb are foods extremely rich in zinc. Additionally, seafood such as crab, shrimp, oysters and squid, as well as poultry such as chicken and turkey, are also rich in zinc.

Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt are also zinc deficiency Some of the important nutrients in eliminating Although not much attention is paid to the amount of consumption, legumes such as lentils, chickpeas and beans also contain both protein and protein. zinc These are the recommended foods to consume. You can also consume some vegetables such as asparagus, spinach and broccoli. Consuming these zinc-rich foods above carefully is also important for your general health and body functions.

Today What causes zinc deficiency?We tried to answer questions such as, what are the symptoms, how to eliminate it. After reading our content to zinc deficiency If you think you have it, we recommend that you consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplements to get the most accurate results.

While we’re on the subject of zinc, you can also take a look at our other health content:


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