What Is Pair Bond That Shows The Bonds Of Lovers To Each Other?

In many species, from humans to fish, two individuals are interconnected; There is a structure in which they live together and become depressed when they are away from each other: ‘pair bonding’. The details of this concept also show you how attached you are to your lover.

Pair bond, which can be translated as ‘pair bond’ in Turkish, is a concept that describes the structure of inter-pair interaction, psychological and social bond, as well as reproductive rituals in species. Numerous studies conducted over the years, what a pair bond is, what types it occurs in, and its limits determined.

Data from different studies In a study in which these limits were examined and compiled, these limits were evaluated according to the observed behaviors and how consistent these behaviors were, and a picture emerged.

The table created includes the behavior of a couple when they are ‘tied’, according to the species;

There are 9 different types of behavior in total in the table. 9 out of 9, the widest variety of behavior is found in humans.. And in titi monkeys, another primate…

Before examining all behaviors one by one, it is also necessary to briefly and clearly define what pair bonding is;

Many species in nature There is an observed bond between the pairs. Couples with this bond act together, exhibit behaviors that we can call ’emotional’ to each other, in areas such as care, nutrition and territorial protection. helping each other and when separated from each other, they are seen to exhibit sadness and anxiety.

When all these behaviors are examined, it can be seen that the diversity of species is extremely rich, the behaviors are largely consistent and the living things that have bonds. It is possible to observe many neural mechanisms in their brains. being detected. So this bond is not just with behavior, We can also observe it in the laboratory environment. This bond is called ‘pair bond’. In fact, according to some researchers, we humans have a ‘romantic relationship’ or ‘This is what he calls ‘love’…

So what are these behaviors that show that a couple is fully committed to each other?

one. Living in pairs: The most distinctive feature of bonded couples is that they live life together in all aspects. In other words, to be side by side and to face life together; It has to be done consistently and for a long time.

2. ‘Being together outside of the reproductive period: When we adapt this expression for humans, the result is as follows; not simply coming together to reproduce and staying together before and after reproduction.

3. Couples looking at each other: If a couple is truly committed to each other, they need to ‘look’ at each other. Here, for example, ‘looking’ is to weed out each other’s lice for Titi monkeys; We can say that taking care of him and helping him meet his material and spiritual needs.

4. Couples exhibiting special behaviors to each other: There are certain behaviors that bonded couples perform within their own species that are exclusive to each other. Like hugging, using gestures of commitment, being unhappy or stressed when he’s not around…

5. Owning and protecting the home: This item is generally referred to as ‘territorial defense’ and means a pair of animals defending the area they live in together. For us humans, we can say it simply as ‘owning the home and undertaking its protection and care together’.

6. Caring for babies together: One of the most important behaviors that reveal the bonds of a couple is to take care of the offspring together. This behavior is common to all species in which dependent pairs are seen. So if a couple is truly bonded, it’s not just the female looking after the baby…

7. Couples exhibiting coordinated behaviors specific to each other: Again, to give an example from the animal kingdom, we can say that some sea creatures greet each other with special greetings, and some bird species make duets with special ‘songs’ and repeat them. For people, we can say that it is a kind of repetitive rituals that are settled in daily life, special for that couple.

8. Spending time together and ‘preferring’ the partner: It’s actually pretty clear; couples, who are connected to each other, prefer to spend time with each other more than other members of the species, apart from the necessity and ‘benefit’ criteria. So if he prefers to spend time with you more than his friends, you can breathe a sigh of relief 🙂

9. Couples’ efforts to prevent and console each other’s stress: If a couple supports each other in stressful situations; If they’re trying to buffer against stress and comfort each other, it’s a sign that they’re a committed couple…

So why did living things choose to live by being attached to another living thing instead of being polygamous?

Although this varies from species to species, in general genres where living together and having a ‘comrade’ so to speak makes life easier headed this way. In species where baby care, feeding and shelter problems are easily resolved as a couple, this has turned into an advantage and settled as a behavior…

Research on human monogamy has not yet reached a definitive conclusion; Some think that people become monogamous after they develop attachment behavior as a couple, while others think that attachment settles down after monogamy…


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