What is blue light? What are the methods of protection?

Development of technology with human health in serious danger went under. we use smartphone, laptop And television such as electronics devices, radiation various spreads, including bad energies with serious danger offers.

Especially digital displaydevices with blue light called human health for extremely harmful emits a type of light. Unfortunately in our country all over the world, including ignore this situation, serious problems in the long run. it causes. Alright what is blue light? What are the methods of protection? We told it for you.

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What is blue light?

blue light visible to the human eye, part of the visible light spectrumis. vibrating in the range of 380 to 500 nanometersmost short wavelengthna and most High energyThis light that has generates about a third of visible light. High energy of blue light by reason of from other visible lights more potential for further harm has.

blue light two different types appears. The first of these actually quite useful the one which… comes from the sun. This type of blue light balancing body hormones biological rhythmbesides melatonin release in by suppressing during the day focus level increases.

Blue light wavelengths are ubiquitous and inherently surround us. On the other hand why the sky looks blue also from the sun are blue lights. In this situation wavelengths of air molecules collides with this your blue light disintegration and to paint the sky blue causes.

The second is harmful blue lighttruck. This, proliferation of electronic devices Unlike the natural blue light from the sun that we bring into our homes with very high energy level is a light. Generally TV, smartphone, computer, laptops, tablet, LED And fluorescent in devices such as

What are the harms of artificial blue light from electronic devices?

Especially during the pandemic against electronic devices interest even more It increased. Because artificial blue light especially a serious negative effect on the eye is stated to be. Eyelashblue light not good at blockingthe visible blue light is almost all through the cornea to the retina reaches.

what is blue light
Prolonged exposure to blue light causes macular degeneration. On the other hand, it occurs in diseases such as eye cancer and cataracts.

In time constant exposure to blue light can damage retinal cells and age related Also known as “yellow spot disease” macular degeneration such as vision problems. On the other hand cataract, eye cancer as well as serious eye conditions such as headache, neck And shoulder pain like physical problems also emerges.

So how do we protect ourselves from blue light?

what is blue light
There are many precautions to be taken against blue light. On the other hand, technology companies have some moves in this regard.

With various methods to be taken, you have the opportunity to minimize the harmful blue light exposure. In addition, there are some measures taken by technology companies. Here are some of these measures;

  • Obtaining blue light filters for smartphone, tablet and computer screens. On the other hand, while these filters are offered to users as a feature in new generation devices, there are also blue light filters on the market with the logic of tempered glass.
  • Choose glasses and lenses that protect from blue light. These will help protect your eyes and drastically reduce the amount of harmful blue light rays reaching your retina.
  • Follow the 20-20-20 rule to reduce digital eye strain. Rest your eyes by looking at an object 20 meters away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  • Blink more often when looking at the screen
  • Replace device background colors with warmer colors to reduce eye strain.
  • If you have had an eye exam recently, ask your eye doctor about blue light protection.

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