Anorexia is a serious eating disorder that affects many people today and is becoming increasingly common, especially among young people. Since it is so common, what anorexia is, what its symptoms are, and its treatment have begun to become a topic of interest for many people.
This situation, which is often misunderstood in society, is related not only to eating habits but also to the individual’s with his psychology and self-perception is also deeply related. It is also possible to treat this disease, which needs to be discussed in detail with its causes as well as its symptoms.
If anorexia eating disorder If you are suffering from this disorder or if there are people around you who suffer from this disorder, it would be beneficial for you to learn about anorexia.
What is anorexia?
Anorexia, scientific name “anorexia nervosa”; It is an eating disorder that causes the individual to experience extreme weight loss, the need to keep their body weight under control, and an intense fear of thinness.
This condition can cause not only physical health problems but also serious psychological problems. Anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders The main difference between the two is that anorexia affects not only eating habits, but also the individual’s self-view and body image.
Who gets anorexia?
The incidence of anorexiaWhen we look at it, we usually see women, but this does not change the fact that it also exists in men. Anorexia onset time often in late adolescence or early adulthood. The reason why it occurs more in this period is the body changes that occur during adolescence. Additionally, increased peer pressure may also cause young people to suffer from this disorder.
What is the difference between anorexia and bulimia?
Although they are both eating disorders, there are some differences between the two disorders. Intense fear of gaining weight is a common symptom, but anorexia disorder Individuals have different behaviors towards food.
They severely reduce calorie intake and consume fluids to lose weight. bulimia disease People with this disorder overeat and then engage in behaviors such as vomiting, fasting, and using laxatives to prevent weight gain.
Another difference between them occurs in body mass index. bulimia patientsmaintain their weight at or slightly above the optimal level. Anorexia patients generally have a body mass index below 18.45, meaning they fall into the underweight category.
The symptoms of anorexia are divided into physical and emotional.
Physical symptoms of anorexia:
- extreme weight loss
- slim appearance
- burnout
- abnormal blood count
- Thinning and falling hair
- Insomnia
- Dizziness and fainting
- Shortness of breath
- Bluish discoloration of fingers
- Dry and yellowish skin
- Constipation, bloating and abdominal pain
- intolerance to cold
- low blood pressure
- irregular heart rhythm
- Arm and leg swelling
- Not enough fluid (dehydration)
- Calluses on joints caused by vomiting
- Irregular menstrual periods
- Muscle weakness and loss of muscle mass
- wound non-healing
- Getting sick frequently
Emotional and behavioral symptoms of anorexia:
- Severe restriction of food intake, such as fasting or dieting
- exercising excessively
- Chewing and spitting out food
- Refusal to eat solid food
- Getting rid of food using medications such as enemas and laxatives
- Overeating and self-induced vomiting
- Preparing food carefully for others but not preoccupying yourself with inedible food
- Refusing to eat or skipping meals frequently
- Making excuses for not eating
- Lying about how much food is eaten
- Consuming a few foods that are low in fat and calories
- Not wanting to eat around other people
- complaining about being fat
- lack of emotion
- social shyness
- Irritability
- Wearing loose clothing or layers to hide weight loss
What are the causes of anorexia?
Causes of anorexia It is complex and often seen as a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors and individual psychological problems. social pressures and the media can contribute to this situation by creating unrealistic expectations about idealized body images, especially among young people.
biological causes
Although it is not known which gene is effective for this disease, some people Your chances of getting anorexiaIt may be caused by biological reasons. Those who have a genetic tendency towards perfectionism and sensitivity may suffer from anorexia. Some studies suggest that 50 to 80 percent of eating disorder disorders are caused by biology.
psychological reasons
Some psychological disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive, can cause situations such as strict dieting and giving up eating. perfectionism This is where it comes into play and they think they are not skinny enough.
environmental reasons
Especially in modern western culture, there is an emphasis on weakness. Success and value are also often paired with weakness. Moreover peer pressure Environmental factors such as are one of the factors that increase the risk of young people suffering from anorexia.
Traumatic causes
Having to cope with painful emotions, have overwhelming feelings These are behaviors that occur after situations such as physical abuse and sexual assault. These too Factors that trigger anorexia between.
What are the complications of anorexia?
- Anemia
- muscle loss
- Increased risk of fracture due to bone loss
- Heart problems such as abnormal heart rhythm and heart failure
- Decreased testosterone in men
- kidney problems
- liver problems
- fertility problems
- Some brain and nerve-related problems, such as concentration and memory difficulties, rare seizures
- weak immune system
- mood disorders
- Alcohol and substance use
- personality disorders
- Thoughts of self-harm and suicide
- Death
Anorexia treatment methods
Anorexia treatment It varies from individual to individual and often requires a multifaceted approach. Medical treatment may include nutritional counseling and medication. Psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy, also play an important role.
Long-term recovery involves developing a healthy perspective of oneself and one’s eating habits, and support groups can provide great support in this process. In addition, a balanced diet regaining normal eating patterns It may also be necessary to seek nutritional counselling.
If anorexia is at an advanced level and heart disease, suicidal ideation If complications such as these occur, hospitalization may be required.
Anorexia can be a challenge not only for the individual, but also for their family and friends. However, with early intervention and effective treatment methods, anorexia is a condition that can be overcome. If you or someone you know is affected by this situation, it would be beneficial to get expert support before it is too late.
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