What is an ulcer, what causes it, what are its symptoms?

You or at least one person around you complains about constant stomach burning, and in fact, this is more than burning and the person has an ulcer. Unfortunately, ulcer, one of the diseases that has become a part of our lives, is a disease that should be taken seriously with its symptoms, even though it is known as a type of wound that occurs as a result of damage to the mucosa covering the inner surface of the stomach.

“What causes ulcers?” There are many topics to answer the question. Although heartburn is one of the most obvious, ulcers can also present with other symptoms. changing lifestyle, in ulcer treatment Although it is one of the main criteria, various treatment methods are valid for this disease.

If the ulcer affects your comfort of life, you should be examined by a doctor and treated as soon as possible. taking better care of yourself must.

What is the ulcer that we often hear about and what does it mean?

An ulcer is often identified with an upset stomach. An ulcer occurs due to wounds that develop in the stomach lining, just beyond the stomach. duodenal ulcer It can occur in a part of the intestine called . Duodenal ulcer is usually caused by duodenum is encountered.

Duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer They are a type of peptic ulcer and take their name from pepsin, one of the digestive fluids found in the stomach and sometimes leaking into the duodenum. peptic ulcersIt occurs when the protective mucosal lining in the stomach and duodenum wears away, and stomach acids and digestive enzymes eat away at the walls of the stomach and duodenum. The irritation caused by acid turns into an open wound. “What is an ulcer?” answers the question.

What is the incidence of stomach ulcers?

Especially in western countries, stomach ulcers are common. While 500 thousand ulcers are diagnosed every year in the USA, the recurrence rate is around 4.5 million. In Turkey, 120 thousand new patients and Nearly 1 million relapses is seen.

In our country, it is more common than stomach ulcers. duodenal ulcer It is commonly seen. Men are 3 times more likely to get ulcer disease than women.

More than just stomach and duodenal ulcers. What are the types of ulcers?

What are the causes of ulcers?

Since there may be lesions and wounds in various parts of the body, as well as in the stomach, all types of ulcers is similar. Another thing they have in common is that many of them are caused by bacterial infection. If we look at the common types of ulcers other than peptic ulcers:

skin ulcer

It causes a round and open wound on the skin. skin ulcer (arterial ulcer); It may occur with inflammatory conditions, infection, or blood circulation problems. A small or mild skin ulcer may not be dangerous on its own, but if left untreated it can become serious.

bed sore Pressure ulcer, also known as pressure ulcer, is one of the types of skin ulcers. It occurs when blood circulation is not as usual, especially in the legs. venous ulcer (leg ulcer) as well as when blood flow to the feet and legs decreases ischemic ulcer There are also. It can develop due to nerve damage in people with uncontrolled diabetes. neuropathic skin ulcer is also among the species.

mouth ulcer

As the name suggests, lesions in the mouth are called wounds. mouth ulcer It is called. Canker sores, primary herpetic gingivostomatitis, oral herpes, mouth cancer and lichen planus can cause mouth ulcers.

corneal ulcer

Another name for corneal ulcer is Keratitis is an ulcer. An open wound on the outer layer of the cornea usually occurs due to bacterial infections. That’s why contact lens wearer But corneal ulcers are more common in people who do not clean properly.

Dry eye syndrome, infections caused by fungi and amoebas, abrasions or cuts on the eye, facial paralysis and some eyelid disorders can also cause corneal ulcers.

genital ulcer

Another type of ulcer is is a genital ulcer. Sores that develop around the penis, vagina, anus or nearby skin are included in the scope of genital ulcers. This ulcer can be sexually transmitted or occur for different reasons. Genital herpes disease, Systematic diseases and syphilis can cause genital ulcers.

So why do so many types of ulcers occur?

causes of ulcer

We have already mentioned the causes of other types of ulcers other than peptic ulcer. Now The most common causes of peptic ulcers let’s see:

  • Helicobacter pylori infectionIt is the most common cause of ulcers worldwide. Although it does not seem to cause problems in most people, the proliferation of those infected can eat away at the stomach lining, causing chronic peptic ulcers.
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, It causes ulcer formation in different ways. While they can irritate the stomach lining, up to 30 percent of people using these medications experience peptic ulcer problems.
  • Tumors that occur with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome can produce acid in the stomach, although this is not common.
  • Serious illnesses, injuries and stress can cause stomach ulcers. physiological stressIt changes the body’s pH balance, which increases stomach acid. Stress ulcers develop more quickly, unlike stomach ulcers, which progress slowly.
  • To smoke Consuming alcohol also increases stomach acid and is among the causes of ulcers.

It can be unbearable at times: What are the symptoms of ulcers?

What are the symptoms of ulcers?

Although many people feel a burning and gnawing pain in the abdomen when the word ulcer is mentioned, ulcer symptoms There are others among them. These:

  • Indigestion
  • heartburn
  • reflux
  • feeling sick
  • Inability to tolerate fatty foods
  • Painful burning sensation in the chest
  • Nausea

Peptic ulcers may not show symptoms in many people. In addition to those mentioned above, rarely with serious symptoms The ulcer may reveal itself. In this case, it is necessary to consult a doctor before it is too late.

  • difficulty breathing
  • feeling faint
  • Vomiting red or black blood
  • Dark blood or a black, tarry color in the stool
  • unexplained weight loss
  • Appetite changes

How is an ulcer treated? What are the methods used in ulcer treatment?

ulcer treatment

A lot ulcer type Therefore, first of all, the type of ulcer should be diagnosed and the factor causing it should be revealed. While the doctor can make a diagnosis based on symptoms, in some cases endoscopy may be requested.

“What is good for ulcers?” Doctors, who are looking for an answer to this question, prescribe some medications to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, depending on the course of the disease. If an ulcer occurs due to Helicobacter pylori infection, antibiotic use may be required.

In addition to all these, it is useful for the person to monitor himself and pay attention to some points. Especially ulcer caused by infection Residents should wash their hands frequently with soap and consume fully cooked foods. Although it is still not known exactly how Helicobacter pylori infection spreads, there is some evidence that it can be transmitted through food and water.

Use of some painkillers, ulcer triggers Those who have to use painkillers regularly can take them with meals to reduce the risk of stomach problems.

What are the possible complications of an ulcer? What can happen if the ulcer is not treated?

ulcer diagnosis

Although complications of stomach ulcers are generally rare, untreated ulcermay cause serious complications. Some of the complications are as follows:

  • Bleeding in the ulcer area
  • Opening of the stomach lining in the ulcer area
  • Stomach obstruction, which prevents the movement of food through the digestive tract
  • Slow blood loss with internal bleeding and later progression to severe blood loss that may require a blood transfusion
  • Stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori infection

You need to decide on all these treatment options together with your doctor. Thanks to examination and diagnosis factor that causes ulcers can be revealed and treatment methods are shaped accordingly. That’s why you should be careful not to use over-the-counter medications just because you have stomach pain.

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