What are the benefits of broccoli? – Webtekno

Although broccoli has no place in traditional Turkish cuisine, the most important reason why broccoli, a vegetable that we all hear about frequently, especially in recent years, has become so popular is its benefits to human health. When you hear about the benefits of broccoli, which resembles small trees, you will not want to miss it in your kitchen.

Thanks to the climatic conditions of our beautiful country, where four seasons are experienced together, we have the chance to grow the most abundant of all kinds of vegetables. But as if these vegetables were not enough, in recent years we have started to talk about a vegetable called broccoli. Broccoli, which even the USA became familiar with thanks to Italian immigrants in the 20th century, It has been grown organically in our country since the 1980s.

‘But where did growing broccoli come from?’ If you ask, the answer is hidden in the components of this vegetable. Components such as vitamins and minerals that broccoli naturally contains It has great benefits for human health. Broccoli, which has countless benefits from supporting against cancer to improving heart health, also acts like a real superhero for digestive problems.

Benefits of broccoli, many of which you will hear for the first time:

  • It has nutritional values ​​rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • A complete storehouse of antioxidants.
  • It is the enemy of inflammation.
  • It has protective properties against different types of cancer.
  • It is the number one friend of diabetics.
  • It reduces risk factors that negatively affect heart health.
  • Broccoli also comes to the rescue of those who have digestive problems.
  • It is key to healthy brain functions.
  • A must for a strong immune system.
  • The path to healthy mouth and teeth passes through broccoli.
  • It strengthens bones and joints.

It has nutritional values ​​rich in vitamins and minerals:

One serving, i.e. 91 grams of raw broccoli, contains 6 grams of carbohydrates, 26 grams of protein and 0.3 grams of fat. When you eat a serving of broccoli What you should take daily You will get 135 percent of vitamin C, 11 percent of vitamin A, 116 percent of vitamin K, 14 percent of vitamin B9 (folate), 6 percent of phosphorus and 3 percent of selenium. There is no decrease in these nutritional values ​​when you consume it raw or steamed.

A complete storehouse of antioxidants:

Free radicals in our body cause cell damage. The most effective substance to prevent these is antioxidants. Broccoli contains a substance called sulforaphane. This substance turns into a powerful antioxidant during digestion. Sulforaphane, a rich source of antioxidants, also keeps blood sugar in balance, balances cholesterol levels and plays a role in preventing the development of chronic diseases. Lutein and zeaxanthin, a different source of antioxidants in broccoli, also prevent cell damage in the eyes.

It is the enemy of inflammation:

Inflammation that occurs in our body due to many different reasons Broccoli contains plenty of bioactive compounds that are effective on inflammation. It has been observed that multiple substances contained in broccoli work together on inflammation. Studies on kaempferol, one of these substances, showed that it has an extremely strong anti-inflammatory capacity. It is especially effective on severe inflammations that occur in smokers.

It has protective properties against different types of cancer:

Of course, more studies need to be done on it, but the Contains bioactive components that prevent cell damage Broccoli is extremely rich. These components are thought to be especially effective on breast, prostate, stomach, colorectal, kidney and bladder cancers. All vegetables belonging to the cruciferous family, including broccoli, contain similar compounds.

It is the number one friend of diabetics:

Diabetes, which is a condition in which the pancreas cannot secrete enough insulin, especially type 2 diabetes, It creates high insulin resistance in the person. The rich antioxidants and fibrous structure contained in broccoli play an effective role in reducing insulin resistance. In a study, there was a visible decrease in insulin resistance in a group of type 2 diabetic patients who ate broccoli every day. In a different study, it was found to have a healing effect on damaged pancreatic cells, but more research is needed to be definitive.

It reduces risk factors that negatively affect heart health:

High LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides are risk factors that negatively affect heart health. Here are the compounds found in broccoli: precisely in bringing these values ​​to the point where they should be. plays an important role. The antioxidants it contains reduce the risk of sudden heart attack. Animal experiments have also shown that it has a protective effect against cell death that occurs with cardiac arrest.

Broccoli also comes to the rescue of those who have digestive problems:

Digestive problems are annoying on their own, but they can also cause many different discomforts. digestive system problems It generally occurs due to the inadequacy of certain bacterial communities. Broccoli’s dense fibrous structure and antioxidant-rich content ensure the formation and protection of these necessary bacteria. Broccoli not only has a healing effect on inflammation in the intestines, but also helps with easy defecation.

It is key to healthy brain functions:

Especially with aging, mental decline occurs as our healthy brain and nerve tissue functions are damaged. In a study conducted on 960 elderly people It has been observed that eating one portion of broccoli a day has a preventive effect on mental decline. A bioactive compound called sulforaphane contained in broccoli has the potential to prevent problems that occur when oxygen to the brain decreases. A different compound called Kaempferol has a reducing effect on brain damage and nerve inflammation.

Essential for a strong immune system:

To protect yourself from future diseases, even if you do not have any health problems. You should always keep your immune system strong. The key to a strong immune system is vitamin C. The recommended daily amount of vitamin C to be taken is 100 – 200 mg. When you eat one portion of raw or steamed broccoli a day, you will get the required amount.

The path to healthy mouth and teeth goes through broccoli:

The number one enemy of oral and dental diseases is vitamin C and calcium. Broccoli is extremely rich in both of these components. The kaempferol substance it contains plays an active role in preventing these diseases. Sulforaphane reduces the risk of oral cancer. Although it is not certain, consuming raw broccoli prevents dental plaque and whitens teeth, but there is no scientific data to support this yet.

Strengthens bones and joints:

It occurs for many different reasons and can cause many different disorders. Plays an active role in eliminating bone and joint disorders Vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and zinc are abundant in broccoli. These compounds are extremely important, especially in healing joint inflammations.

It resembles small trees and its content is even richer than we expected. We have listed some of the known benefits of broccoli. What we say is for informational purposes only. Remember that, as with all health issues, you should get the most accurate and personalized information about broccoli consumption from a specialist physician.

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