ÜNLÜ & Co facilitates investment with its new application Piapiri

Turkey’s leading investment services and asset management group ÜNLÜ & Co has made investing much easier with Piapiri, its new mobile application. Offering a digital ecosystem for investment with investment baskets, robotic trading signals and reports from industry experts, Piapiri turns into a private investment advisor with its customizable interface.

You can download Piapiri for free and sign up

All details of Tefas funds can be accessed from Piapiri, which offers stock, VIOP, Warrant, Mutual Fund, Currency/Parity and Cryptocurrency data on a single screen with instant prices free of charge.

In Piapiri, where ÜNLÜ & Co analysts made a BUY recommendation with meticulous work and where Model Portfolio, which consisted of the most favorite stocks of that period, is also located, it is enough to keep the notifications open to be instantly informed about the current developments.

While there is no account opening fee to become a customer in Piapiri, an account can be opened quickly by downloading the application and clicking the “Become a Customer” step. Detailed information about Piapiri can be found here.

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