Union criticizes heating law in the Bundestag – Habeck defends agreement

Robert Habeck

The Bundestag debated the GEG draft on Thursday, some of it heatedly.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin Union faction Vice Jens Spahn (CDU) has sharply attacked the traffic light coalition because of the unusual approach to the heating law. Spahn spoke of a “messed up” procedure that was an “imposition”. On Thursday, the Bundestag will deal with the first reading of the draft for a gradual replacement of oil and gas heating systems.

Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Building Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD) defended the course of the coalition. Against the background of the fight against climate change, they emphasized the need to replace the heating system.

On Tuesday, a top group of SPD, Greens and FDP agreed on major changes to the original draft of the Building Energy Act (GEG), the so-called Heating Act, passed by the cabinet. The aim is for the Bundestag to pass the law before the summer break. This begins after July 7th.

“The traffic light and the GEG have long been a running gag, just not a funny one,” complained Spahn, who spoke of a “law for the bin”. The FDP agreed to the adoption in the cabinet in order to then push through a 180-degree turnaround. That promotes frustration in politics. There are still many inaccuracies in the text, for example to promote the switch. The traffic lights argue and argue, frustration, anger and polarization in the country are growing meanwhile.

Habeck said the traffic light had inherited a large climate gap from the previous Union and SPD government. It had already been reduced by measures taken by the coalition. For more climate protection, a reversal in the heating sector is unavoidable. The planned changes change the “entrance” into the law. The Building Energy Act is to be linked to a law on municipal heating planning. Habeck spoke of a phased entry into the heating exchange.

>> Read also: Economy is satisfied with the compromise in the heating law

Geywitz also criticized that far too little had happened under the previous governments to be able to achieve climate neutrality in the building sector by 2045. The now planned link with heat planning makes sense. People wanted direction. It is now a matter of working together with the citizens to modernize the boiler room, reliably and as efficiently as possible. Geywitz went on to say that CO2 pricing would increase oil and gas prices in the coming years.

More: Breakthrough in the heating law – These are the most important changes

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