Those Not Vaccinated With COVID-19 Are Being Called ‘Pureblood’

In many countries, especially the USA, TikTok users who have not been vaccinated for COVID-19 have announced that they want to be called ‘pureblood’ instead of ‘unvaccinated’. Thousands of videos were shared under the hashtag #purebloods.

The Harry Potter series is a series that has attracted a lot of attention and has become a cult all over the world, both as a book and a movie; So much so that the characters of the series, especially Harry Potter himself, have an important place in the lives of the fans of the series. However, an emerging trend regarding coronavirus vaccines is, with reference to one of the details of the series. It made things very interesting.

On the video-sharing platform TikTok, some users who do not have the COVID-19 vaccine have shown themselves in the Harry Potter series. He explained that they wanted to be called ‘purebloods’. The term purebred is used in the Harry Potter series for wizards whose parents are both wizards, that is, not hybrids.

Thousands of videos posted on TikTok with the hashtag #purebloods

The aforementioned TikTok users have created a trend by adding hashtags such as #purebloods (purebreds) #unvaxxed (unvaccinated) to the videos they share on the platform. Lyndsey Marie, one of the most popular of these users, said in the video she published the other day, “Now I don’t want anyone to tell me ‘I haven’t been vaccinated’; I want to be called ‘pureblood’.‘ he stated.


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How long this trend, which has become especially popular in the USA and other countries for now, will continue and By creating hashtags in the form of #purebred in Turkey We will see if there will be users who will support this stream.