The Spooky Facts About Titanoboa – Webtekno

With a length of 15 meters and a weight of 2 tons, the giant snake Titanoboa reigned in present-day Colombia 5 million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs.

Goosebumps even considering its length and weight, it was as if it had stepped out of a fantasy movie universe. At the time, all other living things it was a nightmare. It could kill its prey with a single move.

The region where this giant snake is located, where the first banana on our planet sprouted was the place. Scientists doing research there made very interesting discoveries about the region and Titanoboa.

It all started when a student visiting the huge coal mine in Cerrejón, Colombia, found a fossilized leaf in 2002.

The fossil leaf the student found was intriguing, a sign that the area was once home to a sprawling forest. Further research, fossil It belongs to the Paleocene period. showed.

As research in the area increased, other extraordinary fossils emerged. giant turtles, crocodiles, the first banana to sprout on planet Earth, avocado…

During the research, another historical fossil was found.


There was also a huge animal vertebra, too large to belong to any previously registered forest snake. located in the area gigantic animal spine Theories were that the snake to which the vertebra belonged was caught in a mudslide that buried it.

The fantastic snake was at the top of the food chain.

giant snake

The giant snake Titanoboa grew up in the tropical forests of South America. The death of the dinosaurs left a gap at the top of the food chain, and Titanoboa happily bridged that gap.


This legendary snake was even twice as heavy as a polar bear. of his body thickest part It was an average of 1 meter wide. Just dreaming is enough to shudder…

He could eat anything he wanted, but he mostly ate on the same kind of creature.

Because it was so big and heavy, it probably spent most of its life. in the rivers in its habitat spent. As in whales or sharks; the water held his 2-ton body aloft.

He could most likely hold his breath underwater for up to an hour. Presumably, this epic reptile, could eat anything but mostly fed on fish.

colossal creature; it blended wonderfully with the warm, humid forest. brown skin; it camouflaged it perfectly as it slid off the muddy waters.

Some scientists doing research on Titanoboa; while others think that it kills its prey by squeezing and suffocating it, unaware of anything. like an ambush anaconda claims to have behaved.

Even among the gigantic creatures of the ancient rainforest, the king was Titanoboa. It was the best predator of its time. The T-Rex of the dinosaur era it was like.

Such a dominance aroused the question in mind: Why was it extinct?


Scientists aren’t entirely sure, but they believe climate change has something to do with it. Titanoboa’s staggering size was the result of its warm climate. located in the area plant fossils, suggests that the temperature of the forest habitat averages 90 degrees humid and could be warmer.

Ectothermic animals like the titanoboa get their energy from heat. If the weather is cold, they are weak and sluggish. Also, rainforests dominated by Titanoboa gradually gave way to grasslands. All of these, of smaller reptiles paved the way for their emergence and eventual domination.

Scientists are still debating this theory because if it were true, the current in the warmest forests, The lizards would also have to increase in size.


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