How Does a Venus Flytrap Know When to Close?

The Venus Flytrap plant can catch insects and flies with its leaves like a tiger attacking its prey. Really, how can he do this so flawlessly?

Flytrap plant, which closes to trap and swallow insects and spiders. having chin-like leaves a carnivorous plant.

It traps its prey by closing its leaves. So how does a plant come to be? understand when to close Can you catch these insects?

They have some special mechanisms triggered by sensitive hairs on the inside of their leaves.

The inner part of the leaves of the Venus flytrap contains trigger hairs. When potential prey touches the hairs, a signal is sent to the plant. However, in order to close the trap, usually movement of multiple feathers in succession in a short period of time It is necessary. Thus, the possibility of false alarms is prevented.

The touch of the hairs creates electrical signals in the plant’s cells and spreads throughout the cells inside the trap. These electrical signals cause a rapid loss of water in the cells inside the trap, and with water loss, turgor pressure (the pressure exerted by water on the cell membrane in plant cells) decreases and the trap closes quickly. This is the move usually in less than 1 second occurs and the plant catches its prey.

So how does the digestion process happen?

After the trap closes, the insect gets stuck inside. If it is small enough and the trap is completely closed, the plant secrete digestive enzymes starting. These enzymes break down the insect’s soft tissues and the plant absorbs the nutrients.

When the digestion process is completed, the trap slowly opens again and The indigestible parts of the insect are thrown out. Thus, the trap becomes ready for use again. Thanks to this sensitive mechanism, flycatchers capture their prey professionally!

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