A Spoon That Adds Salty Taste to Food Without Added Salt Has Been Developed

Japanese beverage company Kirin has introduced an electronic spoon that will delight those who cannot consume salt due to health problems or those who want to give up salt for their health. This spoon can add a salty taste to dishes without any added sodium.

Salt is undoubtedly one of the most important elements of every dish because of the taste it gives. However, some people may have to stay away from salty foods due to health problems. Normally a beer company, but has recently turned to the healthcare industry Kirin A Japanese company called aims to solve this with a new product.

Kirin’s new product is a spoon. The difference between this spoon and the traditional spoons we use every day is It can add a salty taste to dishes without adding any additional sodium.

It will be on sale worldwide next year

Kirin’s electric spoon, last year Ig Nobel prize The field is inspired by technology. The Ig Nobel Prizes are a parody of the Nobel Prizes as we know them. In these awards, awards are given to meaningless, absurd and extraordinary technologies. One of last year’s winners, the technology developed by two Japanese researchers made chopsticks taste salty. Kirin commercialized it and adapted it to spoons and introduced its new product.

Kirin aims to allow people to taste salt with a spoon and encourage more consumption of healthy meals. The company will sell a limited number of 200 electric salt spoons in Japan this month. If the price $127. The aim of the company is to bring the product to the whole world. 1 million sales in 5 years to reach. Sales in other countries will begin in 2025.

Increases salt perception by 50%

Spoon made of plastic and metal, Japanese Professor, Meiji University researcher who won the Ig Nobel Prize Homei Miyashita Developed in partnership. Technology to enable salty detection sodium ion molecules It focuses on language. It does this by transmitting a weak electrical charge from the spoon. 60 grams weighing The spoon is powered by a rechargeable lithium battery.

In studies, spoon Increases salt perception by up to 50% observed. This means that it will please those who stay away from salty things but want to eat them. Of course, it is possible to say that it will also be useful for healthy people who want to cut down on excess salt.

But Some people do not use spoons It should also be added that it is recommended. These include people using devices such as pacemakers, people with nerve problems, people with metal allergies, people undergoing dental treatment and pregnant women. It is also recommended that those with cognitive problems and febrile illnesses consult a doctor before use. In other words, it will not be a product that everyone can directly use.

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