Why Does Boiling Water Feel Cold?

When we touch boiling water, our brain encounters something unusual: instead of the burning sensation as expected when we come into contact with heat, we momentarily feel cold.

Don’t try it at home! But think about it, your feet have never been in the shower. when in contact with very hot water Didn’t you feel that coolness for a short time instead of warmth?

So how is this possible? boiling point waterHow can it cool us instead of burning us?

Let’s face it, our bodies surprise us quite a bit sometimes.

Boiling or very hot water after touching any part of your body Then, when we pull back the contact area, we feel a coolness. When you dream this, you must have started to experience it.

When boiling water comes into contact with our skin, our nerve endings are damaged. It immediately detects high temperature and transmits it to our brain. However, when our brain realizes this danger, it not only suppresses the feeling of pain but also adds an illusory feeling.

This strange feeling is exactly “paradoxical coldness”.

This situation, which is related to the temperature receptors in our skin, drop in skin temperature and it is related to the receptors that direct the increases. If our skin temperature drops, cold receptors; If it increases, hot receptors come into play.

As you can imagine, hot water is also hot receptors it activates. However, in such a situation, not only temperature, but also pain receptors can be stimulated. This ensures that we do not feel the feeling of pain at that moment.

In other words, our brain sends a quick reaction. It gives a feeling of coldness to suppress the feeling of pain. We also think that hot water ‘does not burn’.

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