The remote work dream is over: Apple invites employees to the office

tech giant appleWith the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, it started to return to its old working order. According to information from the company, Apple employees being called back to their desks in the office.

Apple Park and Infinite Loop People working in the central management of Apple, such as Apple, are switching to a hybrid working order. Calling its employees to be face to face since last year, Apple announced that as of April 11, it expects all its employees in the office.

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Apple finally switches to hybrid working order

of the Covid-19 pandemic even giant companies to work from home It looks like it will expire this year. While technology manufacturers such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon started to call their employees to the office, the last move came from Apple executives.

Apple actually wanted to return its employees to the office before. However, the increasing number of people both in the USA and around the world. From Covid-19 cases Therefore, this date has been postponed forcibly. Extending its deadline to December 2021, Apple said it would give its employees at least a month to prepare before calling them into the office.

Even though some of the tech companies have adapted their teams to work from home, Apple doesn’t want to get used to this setup. The Cupertino tech giant has made it clear that employees have had to return to face-to-face work since the outbreak began.

He even said he “missed his staff” during a video conference in June 2021. Apple CEO Tim Cookstated that it is not possible to separate the employees from each other.

Although people working at centers such as Apple Park and Infinite Loop are being called to the offices, the return to the old working order will take a while. hybrid will be advanced. In other words, instead of going to the office for 5 days, the employees will run the business by establishing a home/office balance. According to internal reports 2 days from home, 3 days from the office will be studied.

But what do you think about Apple employees switching to hybrid working order? You can share your views with us in the comments section or on the SDN Forum.

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