50 thousand year old mammoth and saber tooth tiger fossils were found!

La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, recent for 100 years a for researchers treasure trove. This time, during excavations in the region, various fossils from the Ice Age were unearthed. This discovery Mammoths, saber-toothed tigers and direwolves It led to the emergence of many remains, from large mammals such as , to pollen and small plants. And they are well protected thanks to asphalt. Here are the details…

Excavations at La Brea Tar Pits in 1913 began, and since then scientists have explored various studies in the region. animal And to plants He unearthed large fossils of The sticky properties of asphalt caused the animals to become trapped, which in turn ensured their good preservation as fossils.

Their protection actually goes like this: The level of stickiness underground increases in hot weather, causing animals to get stuck in the asphalt. Most often predators and other animals themselves when they discovered these stuck fossils. falls into the trap. This naturally causes the excavation area to present a rich ecosystem.

Intel discovered a 6 thousand year old grave while trying to establish a factory in Germany!

Intel discovered a 6 thousand year old grave while trying to establish a factory in Germany!

A 6,000-year-old burial community was discovered at the construction site of Intel’s new chip factory in Germany and the work was postponed. Here are the details…

Not only large bones, but also plants, insects and small animal fossils It is also available. This is a unique opportunity for researchers to obtain a detailed picture of the Ice Age period. However, fossils also shed light on California’s climate and vegetation changes.

Excavations at the La Brea Tar Pits are carried out carefully to better understand the history of the area. Scientists to clean and display fossils found in asphalt works meticulously. In some parts of the asphalt There are more than 100 holes and each pit contains different types of fossils.

Hundreds of people in this area dire wolf skullOne pleistocene garden and various other fossils have been unearthed in this region. Researchers have discovered a complete history of the Ice Age at the La Brea Tar Pits site in Los Angeles. create a picture He is constantly doing research.

They also give visitors the chance to watch scientists work and see how fossils are processed. Excavations at the La Brea Tar Pits are currently ongoing and many more interesting discoveries are expected. What do you think about these discoveries? You can write your opinions in the comments section below.

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