Sales Tactics Used by Brands – Webtekno

We cannot avoid being exposed to the manipulations of brands everywhere we turn our eyes. So, what tactics do you think brands use to deceive us?

Brands, by their very nature, want to make us spend money. various strategies uses. Considering the consumption culture that has become a craze, there is nothing that brands cannot do to sell more and stand out from their competitors!

This being the case, from the moment we open our eyes to a new day, brands evil marketing tactics It seems like an inevitable end that we will become a target.

What we often encounter in stores your manipulation tacticsLet’s start examining.

Simple but effective. They are trying to make us believe that the product we buy is “cheap”.

Especially in markets multipacks You may have witnessed products sold with a small discount. If you bought it because you believed it was cheap, you were tricked!

Because brands give you that so-called discount. that you don’t normally plan to take It is consciously designed to make you buy large quantities of products.

Also in stores “Only 20 lira!” Expressions like these also tell you the price you will pay. much smaller than It is used deliberately to show

At the end of the price, which is the ancestor of price manipulations “.99” You all already know the plugin. This means that products ending in “9” are available to consumers. more affordable It is done consciously because it looks like it.

Of course, there is also the issue of the “trap effect”.

When you buy a product, choose one of the three options offered to you for that product. trap What if we say it is?

“How?” If you say so, let’s explain it like this. Let’s say you went to the cinema and were offered three different sizes of corn for 30, 45 and 50 liras. Most people think that a small size will be too small. medium paint turns towards.

Between the price of medium size and large size an “affordable” price difference to be a person “I had already agreed to pay 15 lira more. “Let me give you 5 lira more.” by causing that person to think big size corn makes you prefer it.

Starbucks, Apple and many other brands and businesses, because it traps customers. trap effect is called.

They are trying to create fear of missing out with campaigns valid for a limited time.

Brands know our most basic fears and instincts very well and play on them. Chief among these fears is the so-called “FOMO” (Fear of Missing Out). fear of missing out It is located.

For this reason, brands “Only X items left.”, “50% off until now.” or “For a limited time.” Use expressions like this to create a fear of missing out in you. consciously they highlight.

Moreover, “Limited quantity.”, “This product is also in someone else’s cart.” or as we mentioned above “Only X items left.” By using arguments such as these to create the perception that the product will run out, you impulsively They use it to enable you to make purchases.

They aim to manage our perception by making us think that we have caught a good opportunity with campaigns such as “Buy now, pay later”.

With these types of campaigns, we offer you a service for a certain period of time. Perception that it offers “a very good opportunity” They are trying to encourage you to buy that product by creating it.

Purpose of purchasing the product a logical decision You think it is!

Also “Up to 50% off!” Of course there is a topic. Brands that offer 50% discount on a small number of products and small discounts on other products, to trap it works.

The main purpose of the brands that manage to attract your attention with the phrase 50% discount is getting you into the store and making sales to you during your time there. Because research shows that the more time a person spends in the store, product purchase rate also increased is showing.

If you are trying to find that product with 50% discount, woe to you…

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