The Reason We Form Emotional Bonds With Our Game Character

While playing a game, we can see the character we control close to ourselves and connect to that character. While making decisions, we think according to ourselves or our character, and we can taste the intensity of emotional moments. So how come we feel this way?

This situation, which happens to us frequently, especially when playing games with stories, actually shows how much of that game is. a successful business It’s a sign that you’re out. Well-designed characters can impress a player even from the very beginning.

These characters, which we can give examples such as Geralt, Arthur and Kratos, their personalities he conveys it to us so well that we can almost provide emotional integrity with these characters. So, let’s take a closer look at the reasons behind this situation.

First of all, let’s start with the most striking point, in order to fully connect with the character we play, we need to recognize and adopt his personality.

No matter how successfully a game character is designed, first of all, we tell you that the character of that character. personality and story transferred. When the player begins to recognize the personality of the character he controls, he gradually begins to predict how this character will act in which situations and adopts it as himself. If the character we control has a detailed personality and can convey this personality successfully, when we face a difficult choice, we consider this situation from the perspective of our character and try to make the decision that he will make.

If our character does not have a deep structure and the game offers us to create the personality of this character instead of presenting a character who already has a personality, then when we are faced with another difficult choice, we choose to listen to our own emotions and find ourselves ”What would I do if it were me?‘ we can find when asking the question.

The depth of our main character, the atmosphere of the game, the quality of the world and the success of the side characters also play an important role in this.

Kratos, one of the most popular characters in the game world, when viewed from the outside; a bad father may appear as a callous and cruel character. But Kratos who witnessed his adventures a player can read how he has accumulated the burdens and pain of the past inside him and because of the storms that break inside him.

We can say that this is due to the successful and unique design of the main character in the game. The deeper our main character, the more we know so well and we get more hooked on that game. Of course, it’s not enough just to have a good main character.

The world that the game presents to us, the order and life in this world are also very important. If the functioning and atmosphere of this world can be conveyed to the player well, the player will it feels earthly and it is more tightly connected to the character in the game.

Another very important element is the the charm of the side characters. These characters, who will accompany us throughout our adventure, are of great importance in terms of the course of the game. Think of the side characters in a story game that you loved playing recently, some you really loved and some you hated, right? That’s exactly what we’re talking about.

By feeling a character we control as our own, we double the gameplay pleasure of the game.

The main reason we try to connect to the character we control is, It is impossible for us to live in real life. that we will experience adventures in a realistic way. If a game is successful enough to make us feel this, we can even say that the enjoyment we get while playing that game can increase several times.

While this increases the immersiveness of the game, it also manages to constantly arouse a sense of curiosity. Especially frequently encountered in games; including betrayal, sadness, happiness, fear, and love. many emotions It allows us to experience.


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