The Opposite of Paranoia Do You Have ‘Pronoya’? Test, Learn

Pronoia is the positive counterpart of paranoia. More generally, it is the opposite of paranoia. According to people with pronoia, everyone in the world is united and trying to help them. So deep down, it’s his paranoia that everyone is trying to help him with.

Some concepts can be shaped according to the philosophy of life and personal views of the people and lead to misunderstandings as they are used. One of them is pronoya. Pronoia is popularly known as the opposite of paranoia. This concept means using someone else’s dreams and hopes to gain profit. hope trader It is a concept that expresses the state of “the situation that Allah deems appropriate, destiny, destiny”, as well as those who use it for people who use it. divine judgment are also available for use.

“Actually, what’s the pronoia, what’s the difference between paranoia, whether we have How can we learn?” Let’s find the answers to questions such as together.

Paranoia means ‘straight madness’ in Greek

Its equivalent in our language is ‘delusion’ passes as. It is defined as a disease in psychology in 1863. The definition in psychology is as follows:

“Systematic, stubborn, persistent delusions of cruelty or grandeur, and delusional jealousy, skepticism, distrust, quarrelsomeness, etc. A psychotic disorder characterized by specific characteristics and accompanied by clear, coherent thinking”

So the keywords are: jealousy, skepticism, distrust

Pronoya, Sociologist in 1982 Fred Goldner It is a word coined by


Goldner defines this word in his work Social Problems as follows: “The strange, unwavering feeling that everyone is out to help you.”

Goldner felt that this academics and business thinks it is more common among humans. In fact, when we dig a little deeper, prono is believing in being something that is not there; well it’s a kind of paranoia. What should be noted here is that the aid considered was made by people, not by a creator.

So the keywords are: Undoubtedness, absolute belief that everyone is on your side.

Pronoya Test

located below At least 3 out of 5 items its presence in you may indicate the presence of pronoia in you.

1. Even people I just met my friend as I see it. Everyone I know is my friend.


2. No one knowingly or willfully told me to do evil I don’t believe. Because everyone thinks of my good, no one thinks of my bad. All of them are actually trying for my sake, they want to help me.


3. About something if i think well After a while, that thing will be fine by itself. We can overcome any problem by thinking well.

think positive

4. Nobody talks behind my back, even if he does, he always speaks well. Because why would they talk bad?


5. I am very close to people who are polite. a strong bond I feel like I have. This sometimes leads to misunderstandings.

interested in

What should you do in the presence of pronoia?

A problem in psychology, but in your social life if it interferes with your functionality It is seen as a problem that needs to be treated (if there are problems at work, at school, at home, etc.). In such a situation, it is absolutely You should seek help from a mental health professional.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


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