Analyst Answered the Question Which Altcoins Should I Invest in?

While the cryptocurrency market was looking for its direction after inflation data from the USA, it made an unexpected statement from leading analyst Michael van de Poppe. While the analyst claimed that he sold his BTCs, his portfolio altcoin He stated that he shifted to the market.

Van de Poppe argues that the market is still suppressed, taking into account the US price policy. Although the analyst remains optimistic for BTC in the long term, he explained the reasons why he changed his direction to the altcoin market for now.

Altcoin Market Eyes on Ethereum ETF Decision

SEC, long-awaited Ethereum ETF It looks like he will make his decision clearer soon. As we reported as, although the positive expectation for the SEC’s decision has decreased, Van de Poppe believes that a possible approval will energize the market. However, he also underlines that the altcoin strategy currently consists of short-term buying and selling transactions.

While the analyst states that he is aware of the underperformance in small and medium-sized assets, he thinks that the reason for this is due to Ethereum. However, a possible ETF approval could reverse this trend and create a positive impact.

While the analyst emphasizes the importance of keeping a close eye on Bitcoin, recommending a portfolio allocation of 30% in Ethereum and 70% in the top seven altcoins such as Near, Chainlink, Polkadot, Avalanche, Cardano, Aptos and Hedera, market cap and risk balancing.

While this portfolio is prepared in USD pairs, the BTC pair also remains important for comparison. For example, as the BTC pair rises, it recommends a gradual sale, and as the BTC price rises, it recommends a 20% sale to balance the portfolio.

Long Term Vision and Market Rotation

Michael Van de Poppe While stating the importance of rotation in the altcoin market, his priority is solana He stated that it was. However, he also stated that his long-term vision is to develop and grow his Bitcoin portfolio by using other assets.

Writer Hasan Hüseyin Lif about :

He is a ‘sociologist’ interested in politics, economy and migration. My interest in blockchain technology first led me to KoinFinans. I have been preparing articles about the industry, especially cryptocurrency news, for about three years.

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