2027 European Games will be held in Istanbul!

Within the scope of the agreement between the European Olympic Committees and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the address of the 2027 European Games was Istanbul. The talks, which were previously held in Istanbul, were finally moved to Rome. Within the scope of the signatures signed in Rome, it was decided that the 2027 European Games will be officially held in Istanbul.

A new agreement was signed between Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM), EOC and Turkish National Olympic Committee (TOC). Accordingly, he announced that Turkey was selected for the tournament to be held in 2027. IMM President Ekrem İmamoğlu, European Games in Istanbul announced that it would happen.

Tokyo Olympics medal.

The talks held in Istanbul in the past months were made official in Rome. Stating that they carried out the organizing process meticulously, İmamoğlu thanked the authorities, especially the President of the European Olympic Committees, Spyros Capralos.

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Hefty fine to Google from the Competition Board!

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European Games for those who don’t know; It is a multi-sport organization held every four years by the Union of European Olympic Committees. Competitions take place in 19 different sports, including volleyball, football, basketball and water sports.

organization latest Kraków-Małopolska 2023 European Games It was organized in Poland. Türkiye won a total of 38 medals in these competitions, including 9 gold, 9 silver and 20 bronze.

Athletes from many European countries, including Türkiye, will compete in the organization to be held in 2027. The competitions, which will be held in 19 different branches in total, are expected to add excitement to Istanbul.

So what do you think about this issue? We welcome your opinions in the comments.

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