New Crypto Payment Solution is Coming!

Tether launches USD₮ and XAU₮ in TON. In this context, the altcoin project has issued more than $200 million worth of stablecoins for seamless Telegram transactions. Meanwhile, Oobit integrates Tap & Pay with TON, allowing traders to receive fiat from crypto payments. Thus, increasing the use of crypto.

Two giant altcoins made a critical partnership!

Tether, the largest stablecoin company, announced its new partnership with Oobit, a mobile payment application, and the TON Foundation. This collaboration provides users with a seamless and simple way to transfer money. Thus, it aims to change the cryptocurrency payments industry. This campaign reflects Tether’s goal of creating a borderless financial system using decentralized technology.

Under this partnership, Tether recently introduced its stablecoins USD₮ and XAU₮ on the TON Blockchain. This step will make it easier for TON ecosystem members to make transfers among themselves. Thus, it will provide a fast, safe and cheap transaction process. After launch, more than $200 million USD₮ has been issued on the TON Blockchain. This innovation allows users to send USD₮ via Telegram and use it for instant crypto Tap payments on Oobit. Thus, strengthening Tether’s position in the digital asset market.

Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino also expressed his excitement about this collaboration. He also underlined its capacity to generate new ideas in cryptocurrency payments. Ardoino stated that this partnership offers banking solutions to the unbanked. He also emphasized that it has revolutionized the way people transact with cryptocurrencies.

Oobit’s role in crypto Tap & Pay

Oobit provides a fast and easy Tap & Pay crypto experience. The app guarantees that traders receive fiat currency even if payments are made in USD₮. This integration will increase the practical use of cryptocurrency as a payment method. It will also make crypto a viable and widely accepted option. Oobit CEO Amram Adar said that they aim to ensure that people can fully use digital assets. He emphasized that the collaboration provides unbanked individuals with access to famous cryptocurrencies and worldwide payments through Oobit.

Altcoin TON’s role in decentralized payments

At the same time, the TON Foundation, a non-profit organization that promotes decentralized replacement of the traditional internet through Blockchain technology, also plays an important role in this collaboration. TON Blockchain’s alliance with Telegram will allow USD₮ and soon XAU₮ to be used on TON. Thus, it will provide Telegram’s user base with a simple, unlimited service for making P2P payments. This will lead to a higher percentage of the population having access to decentralized services and therefore a better user experience.

Victor Mendes, CEO of Wallet Business Development, expressed his satisfaction with this partnership. In this regard, he said, it makes using cryptocurrency simple. Thanks to Toncoin’s integration into Oobit’s Tap & Pay feature, millions of users will be able to experience an easy Web3 on and off experience, accelerating the vision of widespread cryptocurrency adoption. However, the altcoin TON price has not yet reacted positively to the development. The altcoin price was changing hands at $6.74, down 3.46% in the last 24 hours.

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