Berlin After the temporary stop of the Building Energy Act (GEG), the Union is pushing for improvements. If the traffic light coalition actually puts the law to a vote in the Bundestag in September, “that is not just a disregard for the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court,” said the CDU housing politician Jan-Marco Luczak to the Handelsblatt. “In doing so, the traffic light also ignores the substantive criticism of the law that was formulated by numerous experts.”
The GEG is to be passed in the Bundestag at the beginning of September. The coalition factions had emphasized that there should be no more changes in terms of content. Originally, the traffic light wanted to bring the law through the Bundestag and Bundesrat on Friday. However, this failed due to a decision by the Federal Constitutional Court, which stopped the decision-making for the time being.
Postponing the legislative process is “rather tolerable than a potentially irreversible violation of MPs’ participation rights,” court president Stephan Harbarth told the Handelsblatt.
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