Why Do Women Sleep More Than Men?

The average adult needs at least 7 hours of sleep per night to feel refreshed. However, research shows that women tend to sleep slightly longer than men.

Researches, More than 40% of women He reveals that he has insomnia problems.

Really, Because women have insomnia problems Could he be sleeping more?

Biological factors play a big role.

Throughout women’s lives undergoing hormonal changes, can affect sleep patterns. For example during menstrual periods women; may experience discomfort such as cramps, headaches and bloating.

As you can guess, these symptoms reduce sleep quality. Sleep problems such as restless legs syndrome may occur during pregnancy, and may continue after birth…

Menopausal symptoms also disrupt women’s sleep. Moreover The risk of sleep apnea increases during menopause, This further reduces the quality of sleep.

So do women really sleep more than men?

Research shows that women need more sleep than men. So women, tend to sleep slightly longer than men.

In addition to biological differences such as hormone production; can affect how much sleep a person needs and sleeps each night There are also gender-based differences.

We shouldn’t forget the social factors, right? Researches; due to women’s domestic responsibilities such as housework, child care and elderly care It shows that you tend to wake up more frequently.

so much women after fatigue, He sees the right to take a nap during the day. So yes, we can say that they are sleeping a little more. After all, isn’t it their right?

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