The Controversial Proof-of-Work (PoW) Clause Completely Removed from the MiCA Legislation of the European Parliament

The European Parliament voted on the MiCA legislation on the legal regulations to be brought to the crypto money market on March 14..

Stating that the article that will ban the use of cryptocurrencies operating with the controversial Proof-of-Work mechanism will not enter into force, Patrick Hansen, the director of Unstoppable Finance, a Berlin-based DeFi company, said that the European Parliament has passed the bill. 24 votes to 32 votes He announced that he refused.

Members of the European Parliament to veto a law 10% off Even if they are part, it is enough. For this reason, the article that cryptocurrencies operating with the PoW mechanism would not be banned could be vetoed, but there was a certain time limit for this. this period expired on March 24 and not enough signatures This item has been completely deleted from MiCA legislation. it happened.

MiCA member Stefan Berger made a statement on his official Twitter account,

Good news. There will be no PoW ban. I will enter into tripartite talks with the EU Commission, Parliament and Council regarding this situation.

He said he thanked his friends in the ECON committee.

EU officials think that institutions should be given supervisory authority to include non-fungiable tokens (NFT) and decentralized finance (DeFi) products in MiCA legislation.

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