Social Media Regulation Presented to Parliament

It has been reported that the social media regulation, which has been on Turkey’s agenda for a long time, has been submitted to the parliament. It was stated that the law will be related to the fight against disinformation and will include sanctions up to prison terms.

in Turkey for a while social media editing was on the agenda. In the statements made, it was stated that the law would be regulated according to the Digital Services Law accepted by the European Union, and it was stated that it would generally include issues such as preventing disinformation and increasing the transparency of platforms.

Now, there has been a very important development regarding the law, which is expected to impose sanctions up to a prison sentence. According to the news, the regulation, which has been on the agenda for a long time, presented to parliament.

Sanctions coming for misleading news

According to the statements, the new social media law was submitted to the Presidency of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey with the joint signature of the AK Party and MHP. The bill, which is stated to be related to the fight against disinformation, plans to impose sanctions on misleading news and to include websites in periodicals. It was stated that it would aim to provide

As we have conveyed to you, in the previous statements, the law; What is illegal in real life is also illegal on the internet. was stated to be intended. It was also stated that employees of internet news sites could have a press card.

In addition, Feti Yıldız from MHP also made statements on the subject. Yıldız stated that publicly disseminating false information in a way that is suitable for disrupting the country’s internal and external security, public order and general health in order to create anxiety, fear or panic among the public will be regulated as a crime and may result in a prison sentence of one to three years.

Internet news site employees will be able to have equal conditions with the print media.

In the statements where it is stated that disinformation has become a threat because it prevents access to real information, it is also stated that internet news site employees and press members working in the print media. on equal terms It was stated that he could have a press card and get a press card. It paved the way for the publication of official announcements and advertisements on internet news sites; It was noted that in this way, it was aimed to support the sites both financially and to make their broadcasts within the scope of press ethics.

In addition to social network providers It was also among the statements that there would be an obligation to take measures regarding segregated services specific to children.


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