Why Do We Get Headaches When We Have a Hangover?

Waking up at first light of the morning after having a few too many drinks later in the night usually brings with it a throbbing headache. So why do we get a headache the day after drinking alcohol?

We want to scrape ourselves out of bed, we long to take our heads and put them somewhere else, in short. The next day is spent with regret Of course, the only thing responsible for this headache is the type of alcohol and the amount of consumption.

But what happens in our body? Headache occurs? By knowing the reasons for this, perhaps you can be more careful about your alcohol consumption.

Alcohol triggers a series of biochemical reactions in our body the moment it is consumed.

First of all, alcohol is harmful to our body. diuretic (diuretic) It functions as. It causes us to go to the toilet more frequently, causing loss of large amounts of water and electrolytes from the body. This situation causes dehydration It causes the body to become dehydrated.

If dehydration narrowing of blood vessels and causes the fluid levels in the brain to decrease, causing headaches.

Alcohol also affects the chemicals in our brain.

brain during alcohol consumption dopamine secretion increases and creates a short-term feeling of happiness and relaxation. However, after the effect of alcohol wears off, dopamine levels in the brain drop rapidly and this disrupts the balance of the nervous system. The brain can secrete various chemicals in response to this imbalance, causing headaches.

Alcohol can irritate the stomach lining by increasing stomach acid production.

This can cause problems such as nausea and reflux. At the same time, alcohol consumption causes the liver to break down alcohol. acetaldehyde It causes the production of a by-product called Acetaldehyde accumulates in the body and causes toxic effects, becoming one of the other causes of headaches.

Did you drink it on an empty stomach?

Alcohol also inhibits the liver’s production of glucose, to low blood sugar It leads. Low blood sugar triggers weakness, fatigue and headache. Consuming alcohol, especially on an empty stomach, worsens this situation.

It negatively affects our sleep patterns.

You may think that you fall asleep more easily when you drink alcohol, but Your sleep quality drops significantly. The body that does not get enough rest during sleep can also cause a headache the next day.

Everyone’s tolerance is different.

A hangover is different for everyone. Genetic factors, age, gender and general health status, The most important factors affecting headache after alcohol. For example, many people While wine can give you a headache For some it’s just a beer. The brand of alcohol, as well as the type and amount of alcohol, can affect some people.

You can prevent headaches by being moderate and knowing your body well. More of everything In this regard, it also appears as a loss.

So, what methods do you use to avoid headaches?

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