Honda Announces the Future of Electric Vehicle Investments

Far Eastern automotive giant Honda decided to further expand its investment in electric cars.

Despite the recent debates, electric cars are the most important alternative for cars to achieve carbon neutral targets, according to many manufacturers, and companies are making serious investments in electric vehicle technologies. Finally, the Japanese manufacturer hondaheld a meeting to provide information about electric transition initiatives and investment strategies.

The highlight of the meeting was the major investment the company announced it would make in this field. in 2050 to be carbon neutral The company announced that it has decided to increase its investment in electric vehicles to 10 trillion yen (approximately 65 billion dollars).

Investments will be divided into three channels

Honda divides its investment in electric vehicles into three main sections. The first of these is, of course, the company’s under own brand While the other two parts are the promotion of the electric vehicles that will be launched on the market, the other two parts are expressed as the creation of the battery-oriented vehicle value chain and the development of electric vehicle production technologies and facilities.

According to this plan, the company will allocate a budget of 6 trillion yen for the new factory system and new vehicle design. Software research and development and battery production will each receive an investment of 2 trillion yen. Honda’s aim is to reduce battery costs by 20% and production costs by 20%. It can reduce it by 35%.

According to Honda From 2030 Electric vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles will account for 40% of sales across the global product line. The company plans to sell more than 2 million electric vehicles in this process and to switch to electric and fuel cell electric vehicles in the global market by 2040.


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