Sanctions on Russian Cats from the International Cat Federation

In these days when the sanctions against Russia are highly discussed because of isolating Russian citizens from the world, the International Cat Federation has announced an unthinkable sanction. The Federation banned Russian cats from fairs. Not only their owners, but also their cats.

With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Western world continues to impose heavy sanctions against Russia. Since these sanctions, aimed at influencing Russia’s economy and changing the regime by popular pressure, are carried out in a way that ensures the complete isolation of the Russian people from the world. ethical debates is also the subject.

Today, what has fueled these debates even more, It will remain normal next to even the sanctions called ‘exaggeration’ a sanction statement. The International Cat Federation (Fédération Internationale Féline), whose members include Russia, some South American countries, European countries and China, has imposed sanctions on cats in Russia. Yes, for Russian cats.

Russian cats will not be admitted to fairs:

On the federation’s website,Statement on the situation in UkraineAccording to the article titled ”, the FIFe Board stated that they ‘cannot remain unresponsive’ in the face of this atrocity and announced that they have taken the following decisions, effective as of March 1, 2022:

  • No cat bred in Russia is allowed to use any FIFe outside of Russia, regardless of which organization issued the pedigree. cannot be transferred to the pedigree and cannot be saved.
  • Owned by participants living in Russia no catany organization outside of Russia, regardless of which organization these participants belong to. Cannot be admitted to the FIFe fair.

In addition to this decision, the Federation also shared a good decision. The Board decided to devote a portion of the organization’s budget to supporting cat owners who are suffering from the current situation in Ukraine. On the other hand, the sanction against the cats is the “word for making fun of absurd sanctions” on social media until yesterday.Russian salad is also prohibited at weddings.” showed that his promise could become reality very soon…


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