Presidential Elections CHP – Honorary Adıgüzel Interview

We continue our content series that we prepared before the presidential elections to be held on Sunday, May 14th, with the third one. After the first 2 content, where we hosted AK Party Deputy Chairman Hamza Dağ and Homeland Party Deputy Chairman Mehmet Kazancıoğlu, we are here with the interview of the Deputy Chairman of the Republican People’s Party, Onursal Adıgüzel.

2023 presidential election We are counting the days now. We watch the candidates present their promises on various platforms before these elections, in which 3 alliances (Cumhur, Millet and Ata) and 1 party (Memleket) will compete.

This time, we answered 4 questions about technology, brain drain and election security, which we posed to both Hamza Dağ and Mehmet Çalışkan before. CHP Vice President of Information and Communication Technologies To Honorary Adıgüzel we will ask.

Before you start reading, in this content series;

  • On behalf of the presidential candidates, the representatives of the alliances and parties were our guests.
  • All broadcasts will be made according to the order of candidates on the ballot.
  • No specific questions were asked to the candidates, the same questions were answered for each candidate.
  • Instead of political messages in the answers given, concrete, measurable promises were made content.

Now let’s leave the word to our guest;

1- Will taxes on technological products be removed? Why if it won’t be removed permanently?

“First of all, the main reason why citizens cannot access technological products is currency shocks and economic depression. The current understanding of public finance has constantly added a new one to the tax items taken from technological products. At the point we have reached, citizens; has started to travel to neighboring countries to buy technological devices such as tablets, computers and mobile phones.

‘Human right to access internet and equipment in the era of high technology’

“We consider access to the internet and necessary technical equipment as a basic human right in the era of high technology. In this context, on digital devices such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, We will reduce the tax burden. Within the framework of fundamental rights, we will rearrange the digital services and hardware taxes for disadvantaged groups, students and teachers with the aim of ensuring equal opportunity, and we will provide free or discounted technological equipment and software support to these groups according to their income levels. In this way, we will overcome the technology gap between us and developed countries, which is an obstacle to our development, and we will spread technological development to the base with social policies and fair tax regulations.

2- What kind of technological infrastructure do you work with within the scope of election security? What security measures have you taken, how reliable are these security measures?

room full of computers

“We have an election system that we have been using for a long time. We updated our infrastructure, both mobile and web-based applications, which we used in the 2018, 2019 elections, and completed the necessary tests. On the other hand, let me briefly explain how our electoral system works; election day, election results will come to us from three different sources. The first source is mobile, the second source is web, and the third source is YSK. In other words, apart from the data flow transferred to us from the YSK, we have two more sources that provide instant flow of the election results.”

‘The slightest inconsistency will be detected instantly by our systems’

“The slightest inconsistency between the ballot box results coming from mobile and web and the ballot box results transmitted from the YSK every 3 minutes will be instantly detected by our systems, and a ‘redflag’ warning will be generated regarding the relevant inconsistency and this warning will be displayed on the screens of our responsible and lawyers. . If the results of the ballot boxes in us do not match the results of the YSK legal appeal process We will start.”

‘We do not act only with YSK data’

“So we do not act only with YSK data. We do not put eggs in the same basket, we distribute the risks. As in the previous elections, the results of the YSK in these elections will be instantly compared with the minutes of our district organizations and the mobile results from those in charge at the ballot box. Thus, We will also prevent any cheating to be done..

On the other hand, we, as both the CHP and the Nation Alliance, have worked on all kinds of different scenarios, including internet cuts and power cuts. We have made the necessary plans for these, we are doing the retests.”

3- What do you think about the brain drain? What plans do you have to prevent or reverse this?

brain drain

“In order to deal with an issue that has a high intersection with social, political, economic and technical fields such as brain drain, it is necessary to create an effective planning and strategy first. As stated in the Common Policies Memorandum of Understanding, the Nation Alliance is a multidimensional Action Plan to Combat Brain Drain will prepare and implement. First of all, we have to determine the gravity of the problem and analyze the reasons that lead our trained workforce to want to live abroad.

The country’s brightest young minds dream of pursuing their careers abroad while still in college. The main problems that push young people to migrate are shaped around concerns about the future, low wages, top-down incompetent management and low living standards. The oppressive management mentality that seizes the country and permeates every institution and every structure is the most important reason for the brain drain. In addition, declining real wages and living standards makes immigration even more attractive.

‘We will remove our trained manpower, especially violence in health, from being victims of violence’

But it is possible to reverse this pessimistic picture. We will rebuild the corporate culture, which has been eroded by meritorious appointments, especially in public institutions. None of our citizens discrimination and exclusion We will implement a comprehensive public employment reform that prioritizes merit only. We will remove our trained manpower, especially violence in health, from being victims of violence. We will implement an understanding that protects the employee and the labor against the melting purchasing power and the living standards that are falling day by day. We will create suitable economic and social conditions for our trained manpower, and we will make improvements in the personal rights and incomes of our technical manpower, especially academics. We will create suitable working environments for qualified minds with project-based incentives and financial supports.

We will identify all kinds of repulsive and attractive reasons underlying the brain drain, produce effective policies and implement reverse brain drain.

4- Finally, why should someone who loves technology, follows closely and wants to reach the latest technology vote for you?

young people with headphones walking on the road

”The most powerful party with realistic and inclusive policies on technology is the Republican People’s Party. As it will be remembered, we shared with the public our vision document prepared by 70 experts from around the world and Turkey, last year. In this document, we have prepared with a supra-political understanding. our technology policies We explained in detail.

As CHP, we are determined to make our country a producer, not a consumer, of the fourth industrial revolution in the second century of our Republic. We act with an understanding to invest in technology, not construction, for a new Turkey that competes with the world. We are coming to power with the vision of a Turkey that produces high value-added products, creates a qualified workforce, and focuses on new technology and clean energy, against rent and construction-oriented growth.

However, as stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, we, as the Nation Alliance, have studied our promises in the field of technology in great detail. Turkey in a scientific and technological attraction centerWe worked one by one on our policies that will make it a business. With a technology-oriented transformation, we will save Turkey from the ‘Middle Income Trap’ and bring it to a solid and permanent position among ‘High Income Countries’.

In the third content of our Webtekno Election Special series, you listened to CHP Deputy Chairman Onural Adıgüzel. You can leave your views and comments on the answers to the questions below.

You can find the first two contents of the series here:


Which Presidential Candidate Promises What in the Field of Technology? Section #1 in Order of the Ballot: Recep Tayyip Erdogan


Which Presidential Candidate Promises What in the Field of Technology? Chapter #2 in Order of the Ballot: Muharrem İnce

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